L2Loyal - Interlude x145

Тема в разделе "Private Servers / Ваши сервера", создана пользователем LoyalC6, 19 июл 2023.

  1. LoyalC6

    LoyalC6 New Member

    L2 Loyal C6 x145 (Old School)
    Basic Information:
    Chronicle : C6
    Experience Rate : x145
    Adena Rate : 200x

    Safe Enchant:
    - Weapons, armors and Jewels +3
    - Two-piece armors +4
    Enchant Rate:
    - Weapons: 66% (retail-like)
    - Armors: 55% (retail-like)
    - Jewels: 55% (retail-like)
    Buff System:
    - Buffs 2 hours.
    - Dances and Songs 2 hours.
    - Prophecies' and COV 2 hour.
    - 28+4 Buff Slots.
    New Skills:
    - Added Hero Skills.
    *Custom animation effects
    *Noblesse players never lost buffs on die.
    Basic Features:
    - We saw that many people can't find something to do after few weeks later, so we decided to add 1 custom set which will have little bit higher stats than normal s grades and will be little bit hard to do.
    - Auto Learn Skills
    - No Autoloot
    - Spawn Protection.
    *You will be protected for 15 seconds after you teleport. During the 15 seconds you might get hit however you won't take any damage. If you use a skill or move this effect will be gone.
    - No clan Penalty.
    - No quest needed for 1st and 2nd.
    - Custom fast quest for 3rd class.
    *You must get 300 hearts from monsters in Elven Fortress.
    - Npc Buffers. (Without 3rd class buffs)
    - Castle Manager in each Castle Town.
    - There is no EXP penality for leveling low levels.
    - Aio Buffers.
    *Includes COV, Malarias and 3rd class buffs.
    *Not allowed to go out of town and cannot buff out of town.
    *AIO buffers can fills their mana while moving inside cities.
    - Global Gk.
    - Gm Shops in Giran.
    - Bugless Geodata.
    - Active Staff.
    - Offline Shop
    - Custom Items.
    *Titanium Armor Set, Dynasty Armor Set and Diamond Armor Set.
    *Black Weapons and Dark Weapons.
    Последнее редактирование: 23 апр 2024