06-10-2020 | ConfiguratorAdvExt: fixed some errors |
02-10-2020 | SmartGuard: updated download link |
02-10-2020 | Update SmartGuard-PTS |
05-08-2020 | SQL: Fixed links to the wrong base name |
09-05-2020 | ClanHall Beast Farm: fix expel dialog |
01-04-2020 |
Update: ConfiguratorAdvExt.exe (creating base lin2db with updates) Update SQL Scripts |
18-03-2020 | npcpos: fix Festival of Darkness |
17-03-2020 | fix geo Schuttgart Weapon and Armour Shop |
17-03-2020 | - description update |
04-03-2020 | -revert previous changes "Revision 1129" |
03-03-2020 |
AI: giving item "Circlet of Academy" (8181) (class: castle_merchant, chamberlain, custodian, guild_master_lv3, merchant, steward ) AI: Fix weapon exchange quest 234 Fate's Whisper ( class: maestro_leorin ) AI: Fix quest: 649 A looter and a Railroad Man. A player could score more than 200 items. (class: bandit_hound, brigand_assassin, brigand_captain, brigand_fighter, brigand_inspector, brigand_sweeper, brigand_undertaker, brigand_watcher, obi ) AI: Fix SA upgrading (class: lilith, anakim ) AI: Fix serial Imperial Tomb spawn ( classes: maker_instant_spawn_serial ) |
29-02-2020 | Client DropSpoil Patch Creator: using skilldata effects for correct calculate NPC stats |
21-12-2019 | Sin Eater fix abuse with change subclass. (Class: black_judge, master_lv3_black, master_lv3_de, master_lv3_hec, master_lv3_hef, master_lv3_hew, master_lv3_orc, master_lv3_ware, summon_criminal) |
16-12-2019 | AI: Ember, SA Crystal manipulation ( class: amber ) |
14-12-2019 | quest_pch2.txt |
28-10-2019 | fix: NWindow.dll |
19-10-2019 | update logParser |
11-10-2019 | fix icon for client. |
20-09-2019 | access for test advext server |
18-08-2019 | fix: commandname-e.dat - cmd //unstuck and others. |
13-08-2019 | fix: dropped item, shows who picked it up. |
13-08-2019 | fix: start with interface |
10-08-2019 |
fix: npcname-e.dat (Correct display of monster levels.) add: new modification gm panel (Change Class, Create item/skill/summon, kick, Reload Event, Who, ShowParty, Jail, Hide, Undying and etc.) https://prnt.sc/oqu7hk add: moving a member in a party: + (Shift + Click) - one position higher + (Ctrl + Click) - one position below + (Ctrl + Shift + Click) - to the top position + (Alt + Shift + Click) - to the bottom position https://radikal.ru/video/mmmWZnnJb42 |
08-08-2019 | fix: button teleport in gm panel. |
31-07-2019 | - previous fix(etcitemgrp.dat), for gf_il platform. |
31-07-2019 | fix: etcitemgrp.dat (is stackable for enchant scroll / life stone ) |
29-07-2019 |
fix abnormal. Skill: s_elemental_protection1 AI: minor pet fix (class: petfix) |
25-07-2019 | фввЖ extender for patch Interlude {character name in the name of the window L2, change the authorization port, disable chat blocking. } |
24-07-2019 | fix: etcitemgrp.dat |
22-07-2019 | update: LogParser_AdvExt.exe |
21-07-2019 | add: official Interlude patch with EN/RU localization |
17-07-2019 | add: new soft log parser - beta version. |
15-07-2019 | fix: samehwId for olympiad |
09-07-2019 | removed fix elixir |
02-06-2019 | Fixed link in dialog |
12-05-2019 |
fix: after finished duel, summon/pet stops attack. fix: imposition of buffs on the enemy summon in duel. |
06-04-2019 | Fix bugged spawns of mobs near Fortresses |
01-04-2019 | - champions update |
01-04-2019 | - sysmessage fix |
01-04-2019 | - champion tuning |
25-03-2019 | *fix: using elixir of potions |
11-03-2019 |
* fix: adjustment during the siege period. (castledata.txt) * critical fix: It was possible to change the time of the siege through cheats. |
23-02-2019 |
+ fix: list of quest items (quest_pch2.txt) + new: bypass remove_premium_account - remove premium account state + new: GeneralSettings.ini [HTMLBYPASSES] ; false - disable the re-purchase of a premium account through "bypass premium_account" for period of current premium account. ; false - отключаем повторное приобретение премиум аккаунт, через "bypass premium_account" на период активного текущего премиум аккаунта. BYPASS_RENEW_DYNAMICRATES=false |
15-02-2019 |
fix: solves problems with disconnects when entering the game. critical fix: server crash when working with Agit |
01-02-2019 |
* fix: Sell/Buy list in Npc Shop * fix: magical skills, now interrupt duel + new: OlympiadExtras.ini [OLYMPIADEXTRAS] ; Only one participant is allowed from the computer. SAMEHWID=false |
01-02-2019 | - tool to work with client files |
25-12-2018 |
Fix list December: + new: GM-command "//acquire_pledge_skill [pledge_id or pledge_name] [skill_id] [skill_level]" - learn pledge skill. "//add_pledge_namevalue [pledge_id or pledge_name] [+-num Score]" - Increases/decreases the clan's reputation. "//partycall [party_member_name or party_member_id]" - call the party to yourself. "//destroy_all_inven_item [target or user_name or user_id]" - remove all items from inventory. "//summon_option [item_name or item_class_id] [option_id_type_1] [option_id_type_2] [enchant]" - add augmentation item to inventory. "//top refresh" - update top statistics (Pvp, Pk, Level, Siege, Epic) + new: opening/closing any door on the server. (Shift+LBM - for builderLevel == 1) + new: bypass karma_clean (nRemoveId, nRemoveCount) action="bypass -h karma_clean 57 100" ActionId: 30030 in L2Server/Log/In/ + new: bypass pk_decreas (nDecreasPk, nRemoveId, nRemoveCount) action="bypass -h pk_decreas 5 57 200" ActionId: 30031 in L2Server/Log/In/ + new: bypass spec_change_name (nRemoveId, nRemoveCount, NewNickName) action="bypass -h spec_change_name 57 200 $NewNickName" ActionId: 30032 in L2Server/Log/In/ + new: GeneralSettings.ini [HTMLBYPASSES] ; Allowed Characters for Nickname Renaming Bypass (Special Characters) ; Разрешенные символы для байпасса смены ника с спец символами ; action="bypass -h spec_change_name 57 1 $NewNickName" SPECIAL_NICK_CHARACTERS=.1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM ; minimum character name length via bypass "spec_change_name" ; минимальная длина имени персонажа через bypass "spec_change_name" MIN_LEN_SPECIAL_NICK_CHARACTERS=4 + new: GeneralSettings.ini [CHATCONTROLLER] ; Use VIP chat if you have a premium account. ; Использовать VIP чат, если имеется премиум аккаунт. VIPCHAT_PREMIUM_ACC=false + new: GeneralSettings.ini need to install: 2018-12-12-lin_LoadTopStatistic.sql [TOPSTATS] ; player cmd in chat (.top) ; enable - top character stats (Pvp, Pk, Levl, Siege, Epic) ENABLED=true ; Refresh time out. (minimum 15) REFRESH_TIME_OUT_MIN=60 ; Refresh time out for castle stats. (minimum 360) REFRESH_TIME_OUT_MIN_CASTLE=360 ; Refresh time out for epic. (minimum 60) REFRESH_TIME_OUT_MIN_EPIC=60 STATS_HTML=sia_adv_top_stats.htm + new: GeneralSettings.ini [SKILLS] ; Recover fully MP after salvation resurrection ; Восстанавливать полностью MP, после воскрешения salvation RESTORE_FULLMP_SALVATION=false + critical fix: Prohibited any actions during change of sub-class, cheat from use of skills other profession. // --- |
22-12-2018 | fix skill name |
01-12-2018 | SmartGuard-PTS.dll |
01-12-2018 | "..of level 76 or above can enchant a skill..." |
21-11-2018 | Added files htm |
21-11-2018 |
2018.11 Fix list November: * fix: pets. * fix: CLANWAR_NO_CTRL option no longer functions at the Olympiad + new: bypass clan_reputation (nScore, nRemoveId, nRemoveCount) - only for PledgeMaster action="bypass -h clan_reputation 5000 57 100" ActionId: 30028 in L2Server/Log/In/ + add: information about using manual mode (//startgve, //startava, //stopgve, //stopava) in file: Events.ini + new: Events.ini [GVE] ; Break party during the launch event. ; Разрыв партии во время запуска эвента. PARTYMODE_OFF=true + new: Events.ini [AVA] ; Break party during the launch event. ; Разрыв партии во время запуска эвента. PARTYMODE_OFF=true + new: GeneralSettings.ini [SKILLS] ; deny summoning during combat mode (Summon Friend: 1403, Gate Chant: 1429, Clan Gate: 3632) ; запретить призыв во время боевого режима (Summon Friend:1403, Gate Chant:1429, Clan Gate:3632) DENY_SUMMONING_IN_COMBAT_MODE=true * critical fix: prohibition of changing sub-class during duel, cheat from use of skills other profession. + new: GM-command "//who_unique" - shows unique online players (HwId, Ips) "//who_clan [pledge_id or pledge_name]" - shows clan information including online/unique online players (HwId, Ips) + new: bypass hero_status (nRemoveId, nRemoveCount) - only for Nobless action="bypass -h hero_status 57 100" ActionId: 30029 in L2Server/Log/In/ + new: ai function myself.OnScreenMsgStr(talker,nTimeSec,sMsg)::(184746423) + new: OlympiadExtras.ini [OLYMPIADEXTRAS] ; players can not leave the game while waiting for the counter ; if you kill the game client process, the character will be in the game TELEPORTTIME ; игроки не могут покинуть игру, ожидая счетчика ; если убить процесс игрового клиента, то персонаж будет находится в игре TELEPORTTIME DENY_LOGOUT_IN_TELEPORTTIME=true + new: GM-command "//summonnpc_ex [npc_name or npc_class_id]" - spawn npc and save in file npcpos.txt (after restart L2Server - does not disappear) * fix: bypass "do_nickchange" - now checks for existence of name in database. + new: GeneralSettings.ini [HTMLBYPASSES] ; minimum character name length via bypass "do_nickchange" ; минимальная длина имени персонажа через bypass "do_nickchange" MIN_LEN_NICK_CHARACTERS=4 // --- |
17-11-2018 | AI : minor fix ( class: warrior_parameter, wizard_parameter ) |
17-11-2018 | AI : minor fix ( class: warrior_parameter, wizard_parameter ) |
09-11-2018 | Added information about custom bypass |
04-11-2018 |
fix: deny summoning in area zone "valakas_no_strider" fix: block resetskill on olympiad "Summon CP Potiom::1324" add: usage information for PACK_ADENA |
25-10-2018 | SmartGuard-PTS: web fix, configs update |
24-10-2018 |
Fix list October: * fix: server crash on oust member from pledge * fix: UserCmd "/unstuck" - used in some situations instantly. * fix: now requires pressing the ctrl key when trying to use skill (buffs) on monster. (target_type=others) * critical fix: substitution enchanted items, when used BuyStore * critical fix: server crash with smartguard 3.0 + new: ai function myself.SetAuraTeam(talker,nColorAura,nIsFreezed)::(184746421) + new: ai function myself.Resurrection(talker,nIsRess,nIsFullRestore)::(184746422) + new: bypass change_color (0/1, color, id, count) need to install: 2018-10-18-lin_SaveChangeColor.sql action="bypass -h change_color 0 16711679 57 100" - Change Color Name; action="bypass -h change_color 1 16711679 57 100" - Change Color Title; + new: GeneralSettings.ini [SKILLS] ; The list of skills that can be added to the profile, if there is a Premium Account on the character. ; Список навыков, которые можно добавлять в профиля, при наличие Premium Account на персонаже. ; Format : SkillID;SkillID;SkillID; PREMIUM_PROFILE_BUFF_SKILL_ID= ; Check the item that is in the inventory to use PREMIUM_PROFILE_BUFF_SKILL_ID ; Проверяем предмет, который должен находится в инвентаре, чтобы использовать PREMIUM_PROFILE_BUFF_SKILL_ID PREMIUM_PROFILE_BUFF_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID= + new: OlympiadExtras.ini [OLYMPIADEXTRAS] ; Prohibit the movement of the character, at the time of waiting for the battle, the timer is indicated in STARTTIME ; Запрещаем передвижение персонажа, на момент ожидания боя, таймер указывается в STARTTIME FREEZEDONMATCHWAIT=false + new: bypass premium_account (nDays, dAdenaDrop, dItemDrop, dSpoil, dExpRate, dSpRate, nRemoveId, nRemoveCount) action="bypass -h premium_account 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 57 30" |
15-10-2018 | fix some errors |
02-10-2018 |
Fix list Semptember: + new: GeneralSettings.ini [SKILLS] ; We give out skills only to those who have a premium account ; Format : SkillID,SkillLV;SkillID,SkillLv... ; Выдаем навыки только тем, у кого имеется премиум аккаунт. PREM_ACCOUNT_SKILLS= + new: GeneralSettings.ini [PLAYERCOMMANDS] ; .expon / .expoff - works only for premium account. EXPONOFF_ONLYPREM=false * fix: checking friends in SayToFriend * critical fix: Forbidden to enchant items during the Sell Store * Critical fix: corrected the logout of the game, in the zone NO_RESTART_ZONE (did not teleport to the town) * fix: Restores cooltime of Elixir items, after relog in game. * fix: Increased the maximum level for creating а PartyMatching(78 -> 80) * fix: Adding Cursed skills to the shortcut panel * fix: Remove Cursed skills to the shortcut panel, when the character dies. * fix: There was an opportunity to twice change name for pet. * fix: checking resist attributes when we use debuff of a Cubic. GeneralSettings.ini [SKILLS] ; checking attributes on the target when the debuff Cubic is applied ; проверка атрибутов на цели, когда накладывается debuff Cubic CALCULATE_ATTRIBUTE_FOR_CUBIC=true * fix: Waiting List in PartyMatching + ItemAutoConsume.txt new parameters: Grouping auto-used items. You can use items from different groups simultaneously. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ examples: //Greater Healing potion, Healing potion item_begin item_id=1111 consume_type=hp shared_group=1 ... item_end item_begin item_id=1112 consume_type=hp shared_group=1 ... item_end //HP Elixirs item_begin item_id=2222 consume_type=hp shared_group=2 ... item_end item_begin item_id=2223 consume_type=hp shared_group=2 ... item_end //QHP item_begin item_id=3333 consume_type=hp shared_group=3 ... item_end item_begin item_id=3334 consume_type=hp shared_group=3 ... item_end //CP potion item_begin item_id=4444 consume_type=cp shared_group=1 ... item_end item_begin item_id=4445 consume_type=cp shared_group=1 ... item_end //Advanced CP potion item_begin item_id=5555 consume_type=cp_adv shared_group=1 ... item_end //CP Elixirs item_begin item_id=6666 consume_type=cp_adv shared_group=2 ... item_end item_begin item_id=6667 consume_type=cp_adv shared_group=2 ... item_end Operate conditions for items. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ examples: operate_cond={{op_check_abnormal;{922};0}} - items can be consumed when hide-skill is NOT activated operate_cond={{op_check_abnormal;{922;1418};1}} - items can be consumed when hide OR clestail skills are activated operate_cond={{op_check_abnormal;{922};1};{op_check_abnormal;{1418};1}} - items can be consumed when hide AND celestial skills are activated operate_cond={{op_check_abnormal;{922;1418};0}} - items can be consumed when hide AND celestial skills are NOT activated |
02-09-2018 |
2018.08.31 * fix: fixes for smart 3 support 2018.08.28 + new: GeneralSettings.ini [WAREHOUSE] ; allow or block deposit augmentation items (by type) into private(user) warehouse DEPOSIT_USER_WH_AUGMENT_WEAPON=true DEPOSIT_USER_WH_AUGMENT_ARMOR=true DEPOSIT_USER_WH_AUGMENT_ACCESSARY=true 2018.08.25 + new: GeneralSettings.ini [ITEMS] ; What things, you can wear only if you have a premium account. ; Format : ItemId;ItemId;ItemId;... ; Какие вещи, можно одевать только при наличии премиум аккаунт. EQUIP_ITEMID_PREM_ACCOUNT= 2018.08.18 + new: L2Server.ini [AuthD] ReconnectTime=60 2018.08.12 * fix: Do not sell Shadow / Augmen items in NPC 2018.08.06 * fix: Under certain circumstances, toggle skills did not work. 2018.08.02 * fix: Added a message to the gaming chat, when you invite to the party (105 a,You have invited $s1 to your party.\0) |
17-08-2018 | RateChanger.Light update |
14-08-2018 | RateChanger.Light update |
14-08-2018 | AI : fix spawn 1st box in 4sepulchers ( class: royal_rush_npc ) |
03-08-2018 |
2018.07.29 * fix: Buffer for SummonOrPet, first checks the evoked creature, and only then subtracts the cost for the buff. 2018.07.28 * critical fix: RecipeStore - A crafter could create an item, even if he does not have the required recipe. * fix: character's name in the message - when HP restores 2018.07.27 + new: GeneralSettings.ini [GAMEPLAY] ; After what time, you can execute the Exit/Relog character, after entering the game. ; Спустя какое время, можно выполнить Exit/Relog персонажу, после входа в игру. TIME_RELOG_CHAR_SEC=15 2018.07.26 * fix: crash server on olympiad 2018.07.21 * fix: pickup of adena, under certain circumstances adena was removed from inventory. * fix: visual effect of the weapon, which is enchanted more than 127. 2018.07.12 * fix: If "Christmas Tree" could not spawn, then item is not removed from the inventory. 2018.07.11 * fix: Correcting the display of the status rank in the target, if the character is without clan. 2018.07.07 + new: added SmartGuard v3.0 support 2018.07.01 * fix: After receiving Death Penalty, the character's characteristics are updated. |
25-07-2018 | fix storage procedure SetLastTaxUpdate |
13-07-2018 | npcdata: fix defend parameters 29056 [ice_fairy_sirr], 29057 [ice_fairy_chamberlain], 29058 [ice_fairy_beholder], 29060 [freya_royalguard] |
13-07-2018 | npcdata: chamberlain_saul fix hp |
30-06-2018 |
Legend: + new * fix - del 2018.06.28 * fix: p_heal_effect add diff parameter + new: behaviour for p_reflect_skill effect GeneralSettings.ini [SKILLS] ; allow/deny reflect buffs (true by default) P_REFLECT_SKILL_BUFF = true|false 2018.06.24 + new: The option is life of the pet after complete hungry. GeneralSettings.ini [MISC] ; Life of a pet after complete hungry, standard 300 sec (set 0 to infinite time) ; Жизнь питомца после полного голода, стандартно 300 sec TIME_DESPAWN_HUNGRY_PET=300 + new: The ability to change the time of death of a pet. GeneralSettings.ini [MISC] ; Pet life after death, standard 1200 sec (set 0 to infinite time) ; Жизнь питомца после смерти, стандартно 1200 sec LIFE_AFTER_DEATH_PET=1200 If you use LIFE_AFTER_DEATH_PET, then in the client, in the systemmsg-e.dat file, replace: 1519 - Your pet has been killed! Make sure you resurrect your pet within 20 minutes or your pet and all of it's items will disappear forever! 1519 - Your pet has been killed! Make sure you resurrect your pet within $s1 minutes or your pet and all of it's items will disappear forever! * fix: Join Academy http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/chronicle5_02.html#academy Any character, level 39 or below, who has not yet joined a clan and has not yet completed the second class transfer may join an Academy 2018.06.21 * fix: Create a command channel, you can only if you have the skill Clan Imperium GeneralSettings.ini [PARTY] ; Allows to create CC, to all members in the clan, if the skill is learned (391:s_clan_imperium) ; Позволяет создавать CC, всем мемберам в клане, при условии - если изучен навык (391:s_clan_imperium) INVITE_COMMANDCHANNEL_ALL_PLEDGEMEMBER=false 2018.06.18 * fix: When observering the Olympiad, a dead pet does not fly away behind you. * fix: Attribute NO_PK in SpecialAreas.txt, checks and pets/summons. 2018.06.05 * fix: Reconnecting the player via Auth-Server 2018.04.15 * fix: weekly time limits in Fatigue system 2018.02.07 + new: option in GeneralSettings.ini [GAMEPLAY] ; In GF mode character 78 level and more will get exp penalty from mobs which are 3 level higher or lower then it, players below 78 - 5 and more ; usefull feature to avoid Destroyer 61 lvl in FOG GET_EXP_LEVEL_DIFF_PENALTY_GF = false |
19-05-2018 | - fix acquire level for divine inspiration |
01-03-2018 | - fix skilldata, one item_consume |
25-02-2018 | - fix some skills |
14-02-2018 |
2018.01.24 * fix: fix server crash on HTML caching 2018.01.16 * fix: i_despawn (aware of traits now) 2018.01.09 * fix: acquire CRP (clan pledge value) on SSQ festival |
11-02-2018 | + SmartGuard-PTS database support |
24-01-2018 | - fix collisions for follower_dummy |
18-01-2018 | - fix HTML |
18-01-2018 | - CT1 links fixed |
17-01-2018 | - skill Erase with type A1 |
14-01-2018 | - AI : Some optimization (classes: abey, lady_of_the_lake, party_private_ex, ssq_event_slow_type, warrior_parameter) |
08-01-2018 | Fix for CRP bug which sometimes appears during Festival of Darkness |
08-01-2018 |
2017.12.18 * Itemdata.txt parser: items array overflow!!! (item_class_id MAX = 24999) * fix server crash 2017.12.11 * fix: Incorrect MP consumption of song/dance on user restart 2017.12.09 * fix: Incorrect MP consumption of song/dance after dying with nobless buff and ress. 2017.12.02 + BufferSystem + MultiLang 2017.11.29 * fix: invisibility on olympiad 2017.11.09 + add: WriteNoblessAchievement for party members 2017.11.04 * fix: propagate info on pledge member power grade changing * fix: auto-soulshots turned off on summon dead + new parameter "free_level" for buff & macro (BufferSettings.txt, player_support.txt) 2017.11.03 + add: skilldata.txt operate_cond = {op_encumbered; 2017.11.02 * fix: After switching subclass runes stopes working + add: KICK_USER_ON_INVALID_STATE is turned off by default OlympiadExtras.ini [OLYMPIADEXTRAS] ; Allow to kick users, that trying to register from invalid state (eg observer mode) KICK_USER_ON_INVALID_STATE=true * fix: dismiss pledge member using users privileges 2017.10.22 * fix: Olympiad: player that ended participation will lose 1/5 his/her poitns 2017.10.15 * fix: i_summon_party reworked; + add: operate_cond = {{op_call_pc}} 2017.10.10 * fix: herbs fixed |
21-11-2017 | - Champions mod |
10-11-2017 | - AI: fiz quest 335 Song of the Hunter (class: grey) |
30-10-2017 | fix syntax GeneralSettings.ini |
29-10-2017 | - fix Sailren classes: rhamphorhynchus_maker, sailren_quest_npc, tyrannosaurus_maker, velociraptor_maker |
02-10-2017 |
2017.09.29 + chat-command ".unbindhwid" allow to reset the binding of account to HWID (new SmartFuard-PTS.dll is needed) |
23-09-2017 | - AI: fix item drop (class: cave_howler) |
20-09-2017 |
2017.08.09 + new: skill effect: {i_pk; 2017.08.03 * fix: summons position adjusted taking into account collisions * fix: cancel 2017.07.25 + new: GeneralSettings.ini [SKILLS] ; Show Cancelling debug info CANCEL_DEBUG=false ; Cancelling activate probabiliity CANCEL_ACTIVATE_CHANCE=100 2017.07.16 * fix: crash on User Equip Items 2017.07.06 + new: EnchantSystem.ini [ENCHANTSYSTEM] MAX_ENCHANT_LEVEL_ON_OLYMPIAD=-1 2017.07.06 + new: GM-command "//remove_skill_delay skill_id" "//remove_skill_delay_all [char_name]" 2017.07.05 + new: GeneralSettings.ini [CLANSYSTEM] ; Allowed levels = [0..8]; MAX members = 40 MAIN_MEMBERS_COUNT_BY_LEVEL=10;15;20;30;40;40;40;40;40 ; Allowed levels = [0..8]; MAX members = 20 GUARDS_MEMBERS_COUNT_BY_LEVEL=0;0;0;0;0;0;20;20;20 ; Allowed levels = [0..8]; MAX members = 10 KNIGHTS_MEMBERS_COUNT_BY_LEVEL=0;0;0;0;0;0;0;10;10 ; Allowed levels = [0..8]; MAX members = 20 ACADEMY_MEMBERS_COUNT_BY_LEVEL=0;0;0;0;0;20;20;20;20 ; Allowed values [0..2] GUARDS_DIVISIONS=2 ; Allowed values [0..4] KNIGHTS_DIVISIONS=4 ; Allowed values [0..1] ACADEMY_DIVISIONS=1 2017.06.20 fix: "недокаст" (при "недокасте" цель вводится в состояние битвы) 2017.06.19 + new: GeneralSettings.ini [MISC] ; Set Summon's regular interval duration in minutes. ; Summon consume one crystal every regular interval, by default 4 minutes SUMMON_LIFETIME_REGULAR_INTERVAL_DURATION=4 2017.06.17 * fix: exp acquiring by summoners in party 2017.06.13 + SpecialArea: NO_PK areas 2017.06.05 * fix: SSQ festival + CRP 2017.05.25 * fix: "//stopsay" command block the VIP-chat now 2017.05.12 + new: ServerMessages.txt message_begin message_id=139 message_delay=1250 message_str=[VIP] Your vip privileges granted until %02d/%02d/%04d %d:%02d:%02d. message_language=0 message_end + new: Allow attack clanwar enemies, but make attacker guilty GeneralSettings.ini [CLANSYSTEM] CLANWAR_ATTACK_MAKE_GUILTY = false 2017.05.10 * fix: player will be flagged on resurrection another PK/flagged player 2017.05.06 + new: GeneralSettings.ini [SKILLS] ; extra spoil probability ( ; mode: 0 - default behaviour: new spoil probability calculated by formula: ; 1 - new behaviour: new spoil probability set to 100% SPOIL_CHANCE_TO_AMOUNT_MODE=1 |
14-09-2017 |
- AI: fix quest status_of_the_beacon_tower (class: torrant1 ) - AI: fix ticket count control (class: ai_boss07_heart_of_warding ) |
07-09-2017 |
- SIA AdvExt Manager : corrected the purchase of the subclass, added the opportunity to purchase a class for free |
19-08-2017 | - Fix a farm with a parapet on a primeval island |
16-08-2017 | - AI : fix Four Goblets (Four Grails. Sepulchers). Increase party range. (classes: royal_rush_keybox) |
15-08-2017 | - AI : Four Goblets (Four Grails. Sepulchers) Checking the legal passage of the quest. (classes: halisha_alectia, halisha_mekara, halisha_morigul, halisha_tishas) |
15-08-2017 | - AI : Four Goblets (Four Grails. Sepulchers) Checking the legal passage of the quest. (classes: halisha_alectia, halisha_mekara, halisha_morigul, halisha_tishas) |
11-08-2017 | - AI : Four Goblets (Sepulchers) Checking the legal passage of the quest. (classes: conquerors_keeper, el_lord_chamber_ghost, halisha_alectia, halisha_mekara, halisha_morigul, halisha_tishas, lords_keeper, magistrates_keeper, printessa_spirit, printessa_spirit_old, r11_roomboss_strong, r11_roomboss_teleport, r11_roomboss_weak, r12_roomboss_strong, r12_roomboss_teleport, r12_roomboss_weak, r13_roomboss_strong, r13_roomboss_teleport, r13_roomboss_weak, r14_roomboss_strong, r14_roomboss_teleport, r14_roomboss_weak, r1_beatle_healer, r1_scorpion_warrior, r1_warrior_longatk1_h, r1_warrior_longatk2, r1_warrior_selfbuff, r1_wizard_clanbuff, r1_wizard_debuff, r1_wizard_h, r1_wizard_selfbuff, r21_scarab_roombosss, r22_scarab_roombosss, r23_scarab_roombosss, r24_scarab_roombosss, r2_bomb, r2_warrior, r2_warrior_longatk2, r2_wizard, r2_wizard_clanbuff, r3_warrior, r3_warrior_longatk1_h, r3_warrior_longatk2, r3_warrior_selfbuff, r3_wizard_clanbuff, r3_wizard_h, r3_wizard_selfbuff, r41_roomboss_strong, r41_roomboss_teleport, r41_roomboss_weak, r42_roomboss_strong, r42_roomboss_teleport, r42_roomboss_weak, r43_roomboss_strong, r43_roomboss_teleport, r43_roomboss_weak, r44_roomboss_strong, r44_roomboss_teleport, r44_roomboss_weak, r4_bomb, r4_healer_srddmagic, r4_hearler_srdebuff, r4_warrior, r4_warrior_longatk1_h, r4_warrior_longatk2, r4_warrior_selfbuff, r4_wizard_clanbuff, r4_wizard_debuff, r4_wizard_h, r4_wizard_selfbuff, r51_roomboss_clanbuff1, r51_roomboss_clanbuff2, r52_roomboss_clanbuff1, r52_roomboss_clanbuff2, r53_roomboss_clanbuff1, r53_roomboss_clanbuff2, r54_roomboss_clanbuff1, r54_roomboss_clanbuff2, r5_bomb, r5_healer1, r5_healer2, r5_warrior, r5_warrior_longatk1_h, r5_warrior_longatk2, r5_warrior_sbuff, r5_wizard_clanbuff, r5_wizard_debuff, r5_wizard_h, r5_wizard_slefbuff, royal_rush_keybox, royal_rush_lock, royal_rush_mission_npc, royal_rush_roomboss_basic, royal_rush_strong_man_1, royal_rush_strong_man_2, savants_keeper, wigoth_ghost_a, wigoth_ghost_b ) |
24-07-2017 | - AI : fix quest error (class: cave_howler) |
19-07-2017 | - AI Sailren fix (class: sailren_quest_npc, raid_boss_type1_sailren) |
18-07-2017 | - AI Sailren fix error " fetch_i : Access violation" (class: sailren_quest_npc) |
15-06-2017 | - AI: crushfix ( class: petfix ) |
14-06-2017 | - AI: fix reward for quest "31 Secret Buried in the Swamp" (class: supplier_abercrombie ) |
31-05-2017 |
- AI : code optimization (class: grey, tor) - AI : Statue of Shillen can't teleport players if Sailren isn't alive. (classes: raid_boss_type1_sailren, sailren_quest_npc) - AI : quest "whisper of dreams" fix chance (karik 100%) and item get ONE player from party (classes: karik, cave_howler) |
24-05-2017 | fix: "i_spoil low probability" |
16-05-2017 | - skilldata: Fix use buffs on mounts |
12-05-2017 | - AI: fix quest 402 Path of the Human Knight (class: silent_horror) |
08-05-2017 |
Updating geo for Olympiad stadiums Removing dublicated configuration |
05-05-2017 |
MAJOR NOTE!!!. Install new DLL's only together with New L2NPC.exe!!! 05.05.2017 fix i_spoil + p_spoil_modify 12.04.2017 fix vipchatcolor add trade shield logging 07.04.2017 *Fix: buffs replacement by herbs 03.04.2017 *Fix: Smart-guard menu disappears sometime 26.03.2017 + new skilldata effects: {i_pledge_send_system_message;1923} - for "Clan gate", {i_summon_pledge} - instant teleport clan members to master 14.03.2017 *Fix: Crash with deadlock 09.03.2017 Skilldata.txt. New effect p_spoil_modify 03.03.2017 *Fix: AdminSocket ChangeNickColorPacket 01.03.2017 [MultiBox] ;This config allows increasing window limits for players who have special item_id ; Этот конфиг позволяет увеличивать количество окон используемых со смарт-гвардом, при наличии у игрока в инвентаре определенного предмета CHANGE_SMARTGUARD_LIMIT_BY_ITEM = 23.02.2017 Now item_type=questitem could be used for Runes 22.02.2017 file OfflineTrade.ini; section [OFFLINETRADE]; parameter ITEMID allow the list of ITEM_IDs now 22.02.2017 + SpecialAreas.txt: check_item_for_priv_store // check_item_for_priv_store: check_item_for_priv_store, // player should have // 13.02.2017 GeneralSettings.ini [CHATCONTROLLER] ; enable VIP-chat (messages are started with ^). False(disabled) by default. VIPCHAT=false|true ; Player should have the specified item in his inventory in order to use VIP-chat. You can set -1 to allow VIP-chat for all users VIPCHAT_ITEMID= ; You can set message header for all vip-chat messages VIPCHAT_MSG_HEADER= ; You can set vip-chat restrictions by user level VIPCHAT_MIN_USER_LEVEL=-1 ; You can set vip-chat restrictions by minimum delay between messages (in seconds) VIPCHAT_DELAY_SEC=-1 [PLAYABILITY] ; you can set title color for VIP-players VIP_TITLECOLOR=16776960 08.02.2017 EnchantSystem.ini ; 100% Chance Scrolls ; Here you can define wich scrolls will have 100% chance to enchant item up to a certain level ; Format : ScrollID,EnchantLevel,Chance;ScrollID,EnchantLevel,Chance <- you can add as much scrolls you want by separating with ';' ; NEW! Extended format allow to set personal chance for specific scroll: ScrollID,EnchantLevel,Chance;ScrollID,EnchantLevel,Chance SPECIAL_SCROLLS= 03.02.2017 OfflineTrade.ini ; How much items per interval should be user ; Сколько предметов потреблять за интервал времени CREDITAMOUNT=1 ; Interval in seconds ; Интервал в секундах CREDITUSEINTERVAL=0 |
05-05-2017 | - recalc level exp |
04-05-2017 | - AI: add quest dialog |
04-05-2017 | - AI: add quest 646 Signs of Revolt (classes: baranka_succubus, dark_corpse, derelict_viliage_monitor, ragna_orc, ragna_orc_archer1, ragna_orc_commander, ragna_orc_healer, ragna_orc_hero, ragna_orc_mage_a, ragna_orc_mage_b, ragna_orc_mage_c, ragna_orc_mage_d, ragna_orc_shaman, ragna_orc_sniper1, ragna_orc_warrior, ragna_orc_wizard_a, ragna_orc_wizard_b, ragna_orc_wizard_c, ragna_orc_wizard_d, torrant1 ) |
04-05-2017 | - AI: fix quest 639 A Game of Card (class: ghost_war) |
04-05-2017 | - AI: check player level in quest 639 Guardians of the Holy Grail (class: falsepriest_dominic) |
03-05-2017 | Removed extra skills from the given to the nobles. |
02-05-2017 | - Some fix skill for overlord |
26-04-2017 | - SIA AdvExt Manager : Check inventory for occupancy. The possibility of using an alternative currency. |
26-04-2017 | - minor fix lexer error |
26-04-2017 |
- Added features: Update previous changes (if there are no original files), Demonstration of aggressiveness (not available in demo version) |
26-04-2017 | In the castle of Schuttgart is added the NPCs from the nearest cities. |
26-04-2017 | - RateChanger : fix custom groups |
24-04-2017 | - AI : fix timer in class petfix |
10-04-2017 | - Fix (added some C-Grade SA weapon variations) |
09-04-2017 | - added some C-Grade SA weapon variations |
09-04-2017 | - fix skill with effect Fear |
09-04-2017 | - fix required level for skill s_summon_swoop_cannon |
02-04-2017 | - fix encryption Interlude "itemname"-file |
02-04-2017 | - fix error with superpoint "hall_alarm_device" (class: warrior_timer_bomb ) |
01-04-2017 | - fix quest 649 "A Looter and a Railroad Man" ( class: obi ) |
01-04-2017 | - fix quest 299 "Gather Ingredients for Pie" (class: guard_bright ) |
01-04-2017 | - fix quest 212 Trial of Duty |
30-03-2017 | - fix lexer error |
19-03-2017 | - AI: Fix quest 651 Runaway_Youth (class: ivan ) |
13-03-2017 | - fix drop from 25115 icarus_sample |
07-03-2017 | - fix "Cancel quest 348 An Arrogant Search" |
06-03-2017 | - AI : fix teleport location name ( class : karin ) |
02-03-2017 | - RateChanger : Applying changes immediately without restarting the application. |
26-02-2017 | - SIA Advext Manager: added the presence subclass check on receipt of the nobility (parameter: NoblessCheckSub) |
18-02-2017 | - Fixed check sum chances within the group. |
17-02-2017 | - AI : fix spawn Chest of Golkonda (with long range last attack) |
13-02-2017 | - Rainbow Spring doorman dialogue |
09-02-2017 | - AI: Frintessa: add parameter to opened exit door in second room. (class: frintessa_teleporter, parameter "OpenedExit2ndRoom") |
01-02-2017 | - AI: removed redundant check on receipt heroic weapons (class: obelisk_basic) |
28-01-2017 | - doordata: remake secret doors in GoE (open by time) |
21-01-2017 |
- AI: fix quest 629 [clean_up_the_swamp_of_screams] (classes: merc_cap_peace splinter_stakato splinter_stakato_drone splinter_stakato_drone_a splinter_stakato_soldier splinter_stakato_worker ) |
21-01-2017 |
2017.01.07 + new: ServerMessages.txt message_begin message_id=137 message_delay=1250 message_str=You do not have the required item to use this chat type ! message_language=0 message_end message_begin message_id=138 message_delay=1250 message_str=You do not have the required item to send message ! message_language=0 message_end 2017.01.06 * fix: GM-command "//kick" - kick character in target "//kick + new: chat-command ".botreport + new: SmartGuard can ban & kick offline-traders now. 2016.12.23 + new: parameter l2server.ini [EVENT] sealstoneamount = 100 Pay attention on this setting, adenarate in l2server.ini will no longer increase amount of sealstones + new: skill effects { p_sealstone_modify; 2016.12.22 + new: skill effects { p_exp_modify; { p_sp_modify; { p_adena_modify; { p_drop_modify; 2016.12.03 + new: multisell logging in database (see "TRACK_MULTISELL_PURCHASE" setting) 2016-12-04-LogMultiSell.sql GeneralSettings.ini [MULTISELL] ; Log Id = 10968 ; Format:10968,nDBID,nAccountId,nX,nY,nZ,nRace,nGender,nClass,nLevel,nItemID,nProducedAmount,nNpcID,sName,sAccountName TRACK_MULTISELL_PURCHASE=1;2 + new: logging of changing the dynamic rates via AI (2016-12-04-LogChangeDynamicRates.sql) GeneralSettings.ini [MISC] LOG_CHANGE_DYNAMIC_RATES = true 2016.12.03 + GeneralSettings.ini [ITEMS] ; The price for cancel of augmentation AUGM_REMOVE_LOWC_ADENA = 95000 AUGM_REMOVE_MIDC_ADENA = 150000 AUGM_REMOVE_HIGHC_ADENA = 210000 AUGM_REMOVE_LOWB_ADENA = 240000 AUGM_REMOVE_HIGHB_ADENA = 270000 AUGM_REMOVE_LOWA_ADENA = 330000 AUGM_REMOVE_MIDA_ADENA = 390000 AUGM_REMOVE_HIGHA_ADENA = 420000 AUGM_REMOVE_S_ADENA = 480000 2016.12.02 + ItemAutoConsume.txt 2016.12.01 + GeneralSettings.ini [ITEMS] ; custom message from systemmsg.dat (format: "$s1 has $s2 hour(s) and $s3 minute(s) of usage time remaining.") PERIODIC_ITEMS_TIME_REMAINING_MESSAGE_ID = 0 + new: bypasses action="bypass timeleft" (the analogue of chat-command ".timeleft") action="bypass offline_shop" (the analogue of chat-command ".offline" or ".offline_shop") 2016.11.26 * fix: "7 Signs Festival win & clan reputation points" bug 2016.11.25 + new: Rune items 1. GeneralSettings.ini [ITEMS] ; Enable rune items ENABLE_RUNES = true 2. itemdata.txt new parameters - Runes: etcitem_type = rune material_type = paper item_skill = [skill_name] - Rune-select etcitem_type = rune_select material_type = rune_xp | rune_sp | rune_remove_penalty item_multi_skill_list = {[skill_name_1];[skill_name_2]; ...; [skill_name_N]} 2016.11.16 + new: GeneralSettings.ini [GAMEPLAY] ; Do not send summon's HP/MP to neighborhood players BLOCK_BROADCAST_SUMMON_INFO = true ; Enable C4 buff/debuff replacement algorithm BUFFSYSTEM_LIKE_C4 = true 2016.10.31 + new: Time-limited items 1. GeneralSettings.ini [ITEMS] ; Enable time-limited items ENABLE_PERIODIC_ITEMS = true 2. sql script: 2016-10-28-UserItemPeriod.sql 3. itemdata.txt new parameter 'period'(item lifetime in minutes), e.g.: Новый параметр в itemdata.txt, который описывает время жизни временного предмета(в минутах) period = 10 4. chat-command '.timeleft' show list of time-limited items |
17-01-2017 | - AI: Fix crash L2NPC on farm Valakas (classes: ai_boss07_valakas_select_target_skill, ai_boss07_valakas_set_db) |
15-01-2017 | - questrate |
15-01-2017 | - AI: Fix questrate Whisper Of Dreams Part 2 (classes: cave_howler, karik) |
14-01-2017 | - RateChanger Light : minor bug fix |
12-01-2017 |
- FString: remove duplicate ID - AI: fixed some teleport names |
08-01-2017 |
- AI: Removed debug branch with a reaction to the amount of Adena. (classes: ai_boss07_valakas_select_target_skill, ssq_main_event_acolyte, teleport_dungeon_manager_npc) |
04-01-2017 |
- sorted quest names (and version with russian quest names) - fix consume for acquire pledge skills |
03-01-2017 | - AI: Translate Quest Names into fstring ID code. Customers can translate name on local language in "fstring.txt" |
03-01-2017 | - events: fix examples for time variables |
28-12-2016 | - AI: Trader Uska (Orc Village), remove some Charms from shop ( class: trader_uska ) |
26-12-2016 |
- AI: Add New QuestRate parameters : default_npc int QuestDropCountRate_7 = 1; // Whisper Of Dreams Part 1, 2 int QuestDropCountRate_8 = 1; // Legacy of Insolence int QuestDropCountRate_9 = 1; // In Search of Fragments of Dimension int QuestDropCountRate_10 = 1; // An Ice Merchant's Dream int QuestDropCountRate_11 = 1; // Protect the Water Source int QuestDropCountRate_12 = 1; // Guardians of the Holy Grail int QuestDropCountRate_13 = 1; // Seekers of the Holy Grail int QuestDropCountRate_14 = 1; // Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe int QuestDropCountRate_15 = 1; // Yoke of the Past int QuestDropCountRate_16 = 1; // Clean up the Swamp of Screams int QuestDropCountRate_17 = 1; // A Powerful Primeval Creature |
24-12-2016 | - Protect Zaken Gate and replacing it on the portal |
23-12-2016 | - Fix AI for NPC in Schutgard |
22-12-2016 | + New: SmartGuard-PTS web-panel |
18-12-2016 | - npcdata: fix drop for NPC 20595, 20596 |
11-12-2016 | - NPC: 22003..22016 - race=undead |
07-12-2016 | - DropSpoil Patch Creator : fix for Gracia Epilogue |
06-12-2016 |
- AI: fix skill pch ( classes: ai_boss03_raikel ai_boss03_riba ai_boss05_doll_blader_b ai_boss05_vale_master_b event_cursed_pig party_leader_berserker party_leader_bomb_spawn party_leader_casting_3skill_magical2 party_leader_wd_corpse_necro party_private party_private_casting_3skill_magical2 party_private_ex shaman_for_friend warrior_ag_slow_type2 warrior_casting_3skill_magical2 warrior_casting_enchant_1of4 warrior_corpse_vampire warrior_saint_transform warrior_slow_type_bagic weather_controller weather_controller3 wizard_ddmagic2 ) |
04-12-2016 | - ClientPatchCreator.demo : Processing Skilllist={0} in NpcGrp for GE/GF/CL |
01-12-2016 | - Update: Fix the special case when decoding. |
29-11-2016 | - RateChanger: Fix error in delete group |
27-11-2016 |
- RateChanger: Fix error in design, Add target (all, mob, boss) for CustomDropGroup\CustomSpoilGroup |
27-11-2016 |
- RateChanger: Fix error in design, Add target (all, mob, boss) for CustomDropGroup\CustomSpoilGroup |
24-11-2016 | - Update Rate_Changer |
23-11-2016 | - Update Rate_Changer |
23-11-2016 | - AI : Fixed spawn two Antharas while changing channel command after the start event ( classes: ai_boss04_antaras, ai_boss04_heart_of_warding ) |
23-11-2016 | - Add userfull tool Gen_PCH.exe ( generate: category_pch.txt, item_pch.txt, npc_pch.txt, option_pch.txt, skill_pch.txt, skill_pch2.txt ) |
19-11-2016 | - Update RateChanger |
18-11-2016 | - update tool |
09-11-2016 | - wharf_manager_singsing ( dialogue after purchase. ) |
07-11-2016 |
Replace NPC parameters from GF Chronicles, if they are lower than available in our Interlude. - npcdata : only RaidBosses and Minions npcdata_allnpc : for all NPC ( details in npc_stat_update_log.txt ) |
07-11-2016 | Reverted Epic bosses stats for correct Interlude values(was a mistake in previous commit) |
06-11-2016 | Fixed some stats parameters for bosses and minions |
03-11-2016 | - AI. PI Mobs do return on start point if attacker in PeaceZone ( class: warrior_universal ) |
01-11-2016 |
2016.10.31 + new: Pumpkin event new NPCs & Weapon 2016.10.13 + new: SmartGuard API rev.5 support 2016.10.08 * fix: server crash by BBS-packet * fix: date for sysmessage "message_str=[VIP] Your vip privileges granted until %02d/%02d/%04d." 2016.10.07 * fix: "Summon friend / Clan gate / Summon party should not work on sieges and combat zones". * fix: Теперь Summon friend/ Clan gate и Summon party не будут работать в боевых зонах 2016.08.12 + Added posibility to define accounts which can enter on server without Smart-guard + Добавлена возможность прописывания списка аккаунтов и IP, которые могут заходить на сервер в обход smart-guard, т.е. чистым клиентом [NON_SMARTGUARD_CLIENTS] ; Set 1, if you want to enable this mode ; Поставьте 1, если хотите включить этот режим Enable=0 ; Set 1 for debug Debug=0 ; Format is account1:ip;account2:ip etc ; Формат исключений, которые могут заходить на сервер в обход защиты account1:ip;account2:ip и тд IPs=builder:;builder2:;builder3: 2016.05.27 * fixed annoying reset_sociality procedure spam in Cached console 2016.05.13 New function for adena saving in Interlude, gives a comfortable way for adena keeping. For example .packadena will change definded amount of adena, into some item, .unpack adena will make it in another direction. The same with bypasses usage Новая функция для хранения адены, удобно для использования в интерлюде, где лимит адены достаточно низок. Использование команды .packadena обменяет указанное число адены на указанный предмет, .unpackadena - наоборот распакует адену. + new: GeneralSettings.ini [ITEMS] PACK_ADENA= + new: chat-commands .packadena .unpackadena + new: bypasses bypass packadena bypass unpackadena 2016.05.12 * fix: buff profile order. Now buffs will apply from 1 to the last Исправлен порядок баффа профиля, теперь баффаться будет правильный порядок от первого к последнему баффу * fix: buff profile on summon now will check if summon or pet exist Исправлен бафф профиля на петов и суммонов, раньше не существовало проверки на их наличие 2016.05.08 + new: multisell logging in GeneralSettings.ini [MULTISELL] ; Log Id = 10968 ; Format:10968,nDBID,nAccountId,nX,nY,nZ,nRace,nGender,nClass,nLevel,nItemID,nProducedAmount,nNpcID,sName,sAccountName TRACK_MULTISELL_PURCHASE=1;2;3 2016.04.29 New parameter defines up to which level player can receive free buff from profiles Новым параметром можно определить до какого левела игрок может пользоваться баффом через профили бесплатно + new: field in player support (free level) field in BufferSettings free_level= augment = augment_id(type1) * 32768 + augment_id(type2) from augmentation_data.txt + new: ai method GiveItem3(talker,item_id,augment) New bypass which gives ability to open browser links from game Новый байпасс позволяющий открывать браузер из игры + new: new bypass: "bypass -h open?url=http://google.com" !!! Warning: - this feature is valid for SmartGuard customers only; - characters [ \t?&=] should be escaped. 2016.04.27 Allow to use .buffprofile command. .buffprofile p 1 - buffs first buff set on player, .buffprofile s 1 - buffs first buff set on summon or pet. Bypass bypass buffprofile?target= &id= &id= &id= |
06-10-2016 |
- Client DropSpoil Patch Creator (Demo) : + Generated Drop&Spoil in a predetermined pattern; + Pagination, if the drop list is too large; |
05-10-2016 |
- Client DropSpoil Patch Creator (Demo) : fix error with Interlude.SkillGRP.dat + more functionality + redesign |
05-10-2016 | - Client DropSpoil Patch Creator (Demo) : fix error with Interlude.SkillGRP.dat |
04-10-2016 |
- AI. Fix quest 652 An Aged Ex-Adventurer ( classes: sara retired_oldman_tantan ) |
01-10-2016 | - Client DropSpoil Patch Creator (Demo) : fix error with Interlude.SkillGRP.dat |
26-09-2016 |
- AI fix quest "in_the_name_of_evil_part1" (class: deinonychus deinonychus1 deinonychus2 deinonychus3 ornithomimus ornithomimus1 ornithomimus2 ornithomimus3 shaman_caracawe ) |
24-09-2016 | - update Client DropSpoil Patch Creator ( fix work with Gracia Final: skillgrp.dat and npcgrp.dat ) |
06-09-2016 | - fix s_hate, s_hate_aura |
31-08-2016 | - fix errors MakerLog(*)'s ( * ) [dawn_acolyte*] is outsider. |
27-08-2016 | - Client DropSpoil Patch Creator (Demo) - minor fix |
26-08-2016 | - Client DropSpoil Patch Creator (Demo) + Classic |
25-08-2016 | - Client DropSpoil Patch Creator (Demo) |
20-08-2016 | - Client DropSpoil Patch Creator (Demo) |
20-08-2016 | - Client DropSpoil Patch Creator (Demo) |
20-06-2016 | - some standard events |
18-06-2016 |
- some fix in skilldata - quest rate in Varka and Ketra ( parameters in class "default_npc" int QuestDropCountRate_4 1 // War with Ketra Orcs, War with Varka Silenos, Relics of the Old Empire, Gather The Flames int QuestDropCountRate_5 1 // Alliance with Ketra Orcs, Alliance with Varka Silenos, The Finest Ingredients - Part 1 classes: ketra_elite_guard.nasc ketra_high_guard.nasc ketra_high_shaman.nasc ketra_orc_captain.nasc ketra_orc_centurion.nasc ketra_orc_elite.nasc ketra_orc_footman.nasc ketra_orc_legatus.nasc ketra_orc_medium.nasc ketra_orc_officer.nasc ketra_orc_overseer.nasc ketra_orc_praefect.nasc ketra_orc_scout.nasc ketra_orc_seer.nasc ketra_orc_shaman.nasc ketra_orc_trooper.nasc ketra_orc_warrior.nasc ketra_soothsayer.nasc ketra_war_hound.nasc soothsayers_aide.nasc soothsayers_apostle.nasc soothsayers_escort.nasc soothsayers_guard.nasc varka_elite_guard.nasc varka_high_guard.nasc varka_high_magus.nasc varka_silenos_archmage.nasc varka_silenos_footman.nasc varka_silenos_general.nasc varka_silenos_grunt.nasc varka_silenos_hunter.nasc varka_silenos_mage.nasc varka_silenos_medium.nasc varka_silenos_officer.nasc varka_silenos_overseer.nasc varka_silenos_priest.nasc varka_silenos_scout.nasc varka_silenos_seer.nasc varka_silenos_sergeant.nasc varka_silenos_shaman.nasc varka_silenos_warrior.nasc varka_soothsayer.nasc ) |
08-06-2016 | - skilldata, fix parse error |
07-06-2016 | + SmartGuard: crc32.xml |
06-06-2016 |
* SpecialAreas.txt new attribute no_debuff_friend - avoid damage/debuffs for ally members in battle_zones |
06-06-2016 | - forgotten minor fix Frintessa |
02-06-2016 |
- fix skill Angelic Icon - Fix items 8960 - 8971 |
31-05-2016 | * Fixed issue with exp receiving from previous commit |
29-05-2016 | -fix skill "Cancelation" |
27-05-2016 |
12.05.2016 * MAJOR Premium account fix. Previously if you will get premium account, for example on third player on your account , on first and second player PA rates will not work * Важный фикс для Premium Account. Раньше, если ПА покупался, предположим, на третьего персонажа на аккаунте - на первых двух оно не работало. 27.04.2016 * Multiple buffer system improvements. 1) Ability to use profile out of city with help of voicecommand .buffprofile 2) Fixed buff order. Now it buffs from first to latest buff, not like before 3) Correct profile delete algorithm Scripts: Usefull tools\SIA Advext Manager\Server\html\_support_private.htm Added action - delete profile skilldata.txt - Elemental Protection fix, now it will not be erased by surrender |
23-05-2016 | - fix skill banish_undead, turn_undead |
11-04-2016 | - Fix in QuestDropCountRate_5, changes in quest "Alliance with Ketra Orcs" |
09-04-2016 | - Fix in QuestDropCountRate_5, changes in quest "Alliance with Ketra Orcs" |
09-04-2016 |
- AI : fix quest 24 "Inhabitants of the Forest of the Dead" class: maid_of_ridia |
07-04-2016 |
30.03.2016 fix: SendPrivateAnnounce packet, now this packet is fully working 22.03.2016 fix: Autoloot dissapearing when player have full inventory. Now items are droped on the ground fix: Исправлено исчезновение лута, если включен автолут и у игрока забит инвентарь. Сейчас такой дроп будет выпадать на землю |
07-04-2016 |
- AI: remake quests: [prove_your_courage_607] 607 [slay_the_enemy_commander_608] 608 [prove_your_courage_613] 613 [slay_the_enemy_commander_614] 614 classes: elder_ashas_barka_durai elder_kadun_zu_ketra ketra_commander_tayr ketra_elite_guard ketra_hero_hekaton ketra_high_guard ketra_high_shaman ketra_orc_captain ketra_orc_centurion ketra_orc_elite ketra_orc_footman ketra_orc_legatus ketra_orc_medium ketra_orc_officer ketra_orc_overseer ketra_orc_praefect ketra_orc_scout ketra_orc_seer ketra_orc_shaman ketra_orc_trooper ketra_orc_warrior ketra_soothsayer ketra_war_hound soothsayers_aide soothsayers_apostle soothsayers_escort soothsayers_guard varka_commnder_mos varka_elite_guard varka_hero_shadith varka_high_guard varka_high_magus varka_silenos_archmage varka_silenos_footman varka_silenos_general varka_silenos_grunt varka_silenos_hunter varka_silenos_mage varka_silenos_medium varka_silenos_officer varka_silenos_overseer varka_silenos_priest varka_silenos_scout varka_silenos_seer varka_silenos_sergeant varka_silenos_shaman varka_silenos_warrior varka_soothsayer |
06-04-2016 | - Fix summon in frintessa room (change in skilldata: frint_no_restart => 25_15_frintessa_Restart01) |
06-04-2016 | - AI : fix quest 608\614 ketra_commander_tayr \ varka_commnder_mos |
04-04-2016 | - fix abnormal level for skill Victories of Pa'agrio |
01-04-2016 |
- Fix : "Giant Cave Part 2" Quest is not affected by int QuestDropCountRate_2 1 // Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1/ Part 2 classes : lesser_giant_elder lesser_giant_mage lesser_giant_scout lesser_giant_soldier |
31-03-2016 |
- AI: Fix Frintessa event - despawn mobs after kill all Hall Alarm Devices or Dark Choir Captains ( class: frintessa_teleporter ) |
28-03-2016 | - Doors in Eva Garden |
28-03-2016 |
- fix Aggression with checking LifeTime classes: party_ag_leader_patrol_physicalspecial party_leader_ag_berserker party_leader_ag_casting_3skill_approach party_leader_ag_casting_3skill_magical2 party_leader_ag_casting_curse party_leader_ag_casting_ddmagic party_leader_ag_casting_ddmagic_stone party_leader_ag_casting_splash party_leader_ag_couple_physicalspecial party_leader_ag_kill_private party_leader_ag_patrol_casting_ddmagic party_leader_ag_patrol_physicalspecial_stone party_leader_ag_physicalspecial party_leader_ag_slow_type1 party_leader_ag_slow_type2 party_leader_ag_wd_corpse_necro party_leader_ag_wizard_casting_rangecurse party_leader_ag_wizard_casting_rangecurse_stone party_leader_ag_wizard_dd2 party_leader_ag_wizard_dd2_curse party_leader_ag_wizard_dd2_heal party_leader_ag_wizard_fiend_archer party_leader_ag_wizard_rangecurse party_leader_aggressive party_leader_aggressive_patrol party_leader_bomb_spawn party_leader_wizard_ag_saint party_private_ag_casting_ddmagic_curse_stone party_private_ag_coward party_private_ag_physical party_private_ag_physicalspecial_stone royal_rush_strong_man_1 royal_rush_strong_man_2 royal_rush_warrior_stone warrior_ag_attack_pet warrior_ag_attack_pet_use_bow warrior_ag_berserker warrior_ag_berserker_physicalspecial warrior_ag_berserker_physicalspecial_stone warrior_ag_casting_3skill_approach warrior_ag_casting_3skill_approach_stone warrior_ag_casting_3skill_curse warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical_revival warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical2 warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical2_revival warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical2_stone warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical3 warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical3_revival warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical3_stone warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical4 warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical4_revival warrior_ag_casting_cancel warrior_ag_casting_ddmagic_enchant_physical_poison warrior_ag_casting_ddmagic_physicalspecial warrior_ag_casting_ddmagic_physicalspecial_buff warrior_ag_casting_ddmagic_selfbuff warrior_ag_casting_ddmagic_selfrangeddmagic warrior_ag_casting_debuff2 warrior_ag_casting_enchant_1of4 warrior_ag_casting_enchant_physical_poison warrior_ag_casting_enchant_rangephysical_poison warrior_ag_casting_heal warrior_ag_casting_heal_sleep warrior_ag_casting_selfrangeddmagic_buff warrior_ag_casting_summon_pc warrior_ag_change_weapon_physicalspecial warrior_ag_corpse_ghost_ddmagic warrior_ag_corpse_ghost_physicalspecial warrior_ag_corpse_necro_long warrior_ag_corpse_vampire warrior_ag_corpse_vampire_mobhate warrior_ag_corpse_zombie_basic warrior_ag_corpse_zombie_ddmagic warrior_ag_corpse_zombie_physicalspecial warrior_ag_disguise warrior_ag_flee_form_clan warrior_ag_growth_step1 warrior_ag_growth_step2 warrior_ag_growth_step3 warrior_ag_growth_step4 warrior_ag_physicalspecial_debuff warrior_ag_physicalspecial_following warrior_ag_physicalspecial_gathering warrior_ag_physicalspecial_stone warrior_ag_priest warrior_ag_run_away_physicalspecial warrior_ag_run_away_to_clan_member warrior_ag_see_skill warrior_ag_selfrangeps_ps warrior_ag_slow_type1 warrior_ag_slow_type2 warrior_ag_summon_private_at_dying warrior_aggressive warrior_aggressive_casting_3skill_approach_revival warrior_aggressive_casting_curse warrior_aggressive_casting_ddmagic warrior_aggressive_casting_enchant_clan warrior_aggressive_casting_enchant_self warrior_aggressive_casting_hold_magic warrior_aggressive_casting_sleep_magic warrior_aggressive_casting_splash warrior_aggressive_hold warrior_aggressive_patrol warrior_aggressive_physicalspecial warrior_aggressive_run_away_to_clan warrior_aggressive_use_bow warrior_pa_physicalspecial_debuff wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_curse wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_curse_stone wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_rangecurse wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_rangecurse_stone wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_rangedd_curse wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_rangedd_curse_stone wizard_ag_corpse_necro wizard_ag_corpse_necro_summon wizard_ag_corpse_vampire_basic wizard_ag_corpse_vampire_curse wizard_ag_corpse_vampire_range wizard_ag_ddmagic2 wizard_ag_ddmagic2_curse wizard_ag_ddmagic2_dispell wizard_ag_ddmagic2_heal wizard_ag_fiend_archer wizard_ag_fiend_archer_flee wizard_ag_fiend_archer_selfbuff wizard_ag_growth_step2 wizard_ag_growth_step3 wizard_ag_growth_step4 wizard_ag_healer wizard_ag_run_away_fiend_archer wizard_ag_saint_basic wizard_ag_saint_ddmagic2 wizard_ag_saint_middle_ddmagic wizard_ag_saint_range_ddmagic2 wizard_ag_saint_selfrange_ddmagic |
23-03-2016 | - Fix quest 235: Mimir's Elixir |
23-03-2016 |
- fix Quest 627 Heart in Search of Power. - fix Rift |
22-03-2016 |
- fix Aggression with checking LifeTime classes: ai_gludio_hold party_ag_leader_patrol_physicalspecial party_leader_ag_berserker party_leader_ag_casting_3skill_approach party_leader_ag_casting_3skill_magical2 party_leader_ag_casting_curse party_leader_ag_casting_ddmagic party_leader_ag_casting_ddmagic_stone party_leader_ag_casting_splash party_leader_ag_couple_physicalspecial party_leader_ag_kill_private party_leader_ag_patrol_casting_ddmagic party_leader_ag_patrol_physicalspecial_stone party_leader_ag_physicalspecial party_leader_ag_slow_type1 party_leader_ag_slow_type2 party_leader_ag_wd_corpse_necro party_leader_ag_wizard_casting_rangecurse party_leader_ag_wizard_casting_rangecurse_stone party_leader_ag_wizard_dd2 party_leader_ag_wizard_dd2_curse party_leader_ag_wizard_dd2_heal party_leader_ag_wizard_fiend_archer party_leader_ag_wizard_rangecurse party_leader_aggressive party_leader_aggressive_patrol party_leader_bomb_spawn party_leader_casting_3skill_approach party_leader_casting_3skill_magical2 party_leader_casting_curse party_leader_casting_ddmagic party_leader_casting_splash party_leader_couple_physicalspecial party_leader_patrol_physicalspecial party_leader_physicalspecial party_leader_slow_type_bagic party_leader_wizard party_leader_wizard_ag_saint party_leader_wizard_casting_rangecurse party_leader_wizard_dd2 party_leader_wizard_dd2_curse party_leader_wizard_dd2_heal party_leader_wizard_fiend_archer party_leader_wizard_saint party_private party_private_ag_casting_ddmagic_curse_stone party_private_ag_coward party_private_ag_physical party_private_ag_physicalspecial_stone party_private_casting_3skill_magical2 party_private_casting_curse party_private_couple_physicalspecial party_private_coward party_private_ex party_private_physicalspecial party_private_slow_type_bagic party_private_wizard party_private_wizard_dd2 party_private_wizard_dd2_curse party_private_wizard_dd2_heal party_private_wizard_fiend_archer party_private_wizard_heal_only royal_rush_strong_man_1 royal_rush_strong_man_2 royal_rush_warrior_physicalspecial royal_rush_warrior_physicalspecial1 royal_rush_warrior_physicalspecial1_hold royal_rush_warrior_physicalspecial2 royal_rush_warrior_stone royal_rush_wizard_clanbuff royal_rush_wizard_ddmagic2_hold royal_rush_wizard_short_selfrange ssq_event_archer ssq_event_backup_archer ssq_event_fast_type ssq_event_fast_type_private ssq_event_fast_type_wizard ssq_event_party_leader ssq_event_slow_type ssq_event_supporter use_hate_and_random warrior warrior_ag_attack_pet warrior_ag_attack_pet_use_bow warrior_ag_berserker warrior_ag_berserker_physicalspecial warrior_ag_berserker_physicalspecial_stone warrior_ag_casting_3skill_approach warrior_ag_casting_3skill_approach_stone warrior_ag_casting_3skill_curse warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical_revival warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical2 warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical2_revival warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical2_stone warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical3 warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical3_revival warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical3_stone warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical4 warrior_ag_casting_3skill_magical4_revival warrior_ag_casting_cancel warrior_ag_casting_ddmagic_enchant_physical_poison warrior_ag_casting_ddmagic_physicalspecial warrior_ag_casting_ddmagic_physicalspecial_buff warrior_ag_casting_ddmagic_selfbuff warrior_ag_casting_ddmagic_selfrangeddmagic warrior_ag_casting_debuff2 warrior_ag_casting_enchant_1of4 warrior_ag_casting_enchant_physical_poison warrior_ag_casting_enchant_rangephysical_poison warrior_ag_casting_heal warrior_ag_casting_heal_sleep warrior_ag_casting_selfrangeddmagic_buff warrior_ag_casting_summon_pc warrior_ag_change_weapon_physicalspecial warrior_ag_corpse_ghost_ddmagic warrior_ag_corpse_ghost_physicalspecial warrior_ag_corpse_necro_long warrior_ag_corpse_vampire warrior_ag_corpse_vampire_mobhate warrior_ag_corpse_zombie_basic warrior_ag_corpse_zombie_ddmagic warrior_ag_corpse_zombie_physicalspecial warrior_ag_disguise warrior_ag_flee_form_clan warrior_ag_growth_step1 warrior_ag_growth_step2 warrior_ag_growth_step3 warrior_ag_growth_step4 warrior_ag_physicalspecial_debuff warrior_ag_physicalspecial_following warrior_ag_physicalspecial_gathering warrior_ag_physicalspecial_stone warrior_ag_priest warrior_ag_run_away_physicalspecial warrior_ag_run_away_to_clan_member warrior_ag_see_skill warrior_ag_selfrangeps_ps warrior_ag_slow_type1 warrior_ag_slow_type2 warrior_ag_summon_private_at_dying warrior_aggressive warrior_aggressive_casting_3skill_approach_revival warrior_aggressive_casting_curse warrior_aggressive_casting_ddmagic warrior_aggressive_casting_enchant_clan warrior_aggressive_casting_enchant_self warrior_aggressive_casting_hold_magic warrior_aggressive_casting_sleep_magic warrior_aggressive_casting_splash warrior_aggressive_hold warrior_aggressive_immediate warrior_aggressive_patrol warrior_aggressive_physicalspecial warrior_aggressive_run_away_to_clan warrior_aggressive_use_bow warrior_berserker_physicalspecial warrior_casting_3skill_approach warrior_casting_3skill_magical warrior_casting_3skill_magical2 warrior_casting_3skill_magical3 warrior_casting_curse warrior_casting_ddmagic warrior_casting_ddmagic_enchant_physical_poison warrior_casting_ddmagic_physicalspecial warrior_casting_ddmagic_physicalspecial_buff warrior_casting_ddmagic_selfrangeddmagic warrior_casting_debuff2 warrior_casting_enchant_clan warrior_casting_selfrangeddmagic_buff warrior_casting_selfrangeps_ps warrior_casting_splash warrior_corpse_ghost_ddmagic warrior_corpse_ghost_physicalspecial warrior_corpse_necro warrior_corpse_necro_long warrior_corpse_vampire_mobhate warrior_corpse_zombie_ddmagic warrior_corpse_zombie_physicalspecial warrior_growth_step2 warrior_growth_step3 warrior_growth_step4 warrior_hold_ddmagic warrior_pa_physicalspecial_debuff warrior_parameter warrior_physicalspecial warrior_physicalspecial_debuff warrior_slow_type_bagic warrior_universal wizard wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_curse wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_curse_stone wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_rangecurse wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_rangecurse_stone wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_rangedd_curse wizard_ag_casting_clanbuff_rangedd_curse_stone wizard_ag_corpse_necro wizard_ag_corpse_necro_summon wizard_ag_corpse_vampire_basic wizard_ag_corpse_vampire_curse wizard_ag_corpse_vampire_range wizard_ag_ddmagic2 wizard_ag_ddmagic2_curse wizard_ag_ddmagic2_dispell wizard_ag_ddmagic2_heal wizard_ag_fiend_archer wizard_ag_fiend_archer_flee wizard_ag_fiend_archer_selfbuff wizard_ag_growth_step2 wizard_ag_growth_step3 wizard_ag_growth_step4 wizard_ag_healer wizard_ag_run_away_fiend_archer wizard_ag_saint_basic wizard_ag_saint_ddmagic2 wizard_ag_saint_middle_ddmagic wizard_ag_saint_range_ddmagic2 wizard_ag_saint_selfrange_ddmagic wizard_casting_clanbuff_curse wizard_casting_clanbuff_rangecurse wizard_corpse_vampire_teleport wizard_ddmagic2 wizard_ddmagic2_curse wizard_ddmagic2_heal wizard_fiend_archer wizard_run_away_fiend_archer wizard_saint_basic |
22-03-2016 | - fix quest 101 : sword of solidarity |
22-03-2016 |
- fix Quest 627 Heart in Search of Power. classes: brilliant_anguish brilliant_anguish_1 brilliant_blade brilliant_blade_1 brilliant_crown brilliant_cry brilliant_eye brilliant_legacy brilliant_light brilliant_mark brilliant_soul brilliant_vengeance brilliant_vengeance_1 brilliant_wisdom |
22-03-2016 | - fix frintessa_teleporter |
20-03-2016 |
- fix Quest 663 Seductive Whispers ( need to cancel quest and re-take ) classes: blacksmith_wilbert bloody_ghost bloody_knight bloody_lord bloody_priest cruel_punishment dark_guard doom_archer doom_guard doom_knight doom_scout doom_servant doom_trooper doom_warrior ghost_war hungry_corpse manes_of_ruin nihil_invader past_knight punishment_of_undead roving_soul soldier_of_grief spite_soul_fighter spite_soul_leader spite_soul_wizard wrecked_archer |
20-03-2016 | - Fix ssq_npc_priest ( excange seal_stones to adena_of_ancient) |
18-03-2016 | - fix NPC Rapin (quest on Formal Wear) |
18-03-2016 | - fix quest NPC Dufner, Master Luther |
18-03-2016 |
- fix Test of Scholar - fix Alchemic Jar (mimir elixir) |
17-03-2016 |
- Fix FriendShip relations - Separation of quests with the same name (id: 607,608,613,614) |
15-03-2016 |
* Added dual-language description to all config files(english-russian) Добавлено двуязычное описание всем конфигам * Changed default value for item selling limitation, now the limit is 100 Items(by slot). Because 140 and more provokes server crash Изменено стандартное количество продаваемых в магазин предметов(по количеству слотов, а не количеству предметов), т.к. одновременная продажа более чем 140 предметов провоцировало падение сервера * Fixed spam in L2Server console while using fishing shots with NON_DB_SOULSHOT config Исправлен спам ошибок в консоль L2Server при использовании соулшотов рыбалки, при включенном NON_DB_SOULSHOT конфиге * Fixed bug with cursed weapon. Before this update skills appeared on characters only after relogin Исправлена ошибка с Cursed Weapon. До этого фикса - скиллы положенные владельцу проклятого оружия давались только после релога персонажа |
09-03-2016 | - Fix the nobless tp (error with Instant Teleport to Giant Cave) |
08-03-2016 | - Blocking skills with "shadow" effect in farm areas of the Epic Boss: Frintessa, Antaras, Valakas, Baium |
08-03-2016 |
- Remake Frintessa - Fix quest 0127: Window to The Future - Feature for rate some quests (see ReadMe_AI.txt ) - Fix troube with antharas - Normalization of the names of constants (getting rid of the symbol ', *, -, . seel log in folder "pch_name") |
17-02-2016 |
EN. Restored default Inventory Slots amount RU. Восстановлено стандартное количество слотов инвентаря |
09-02-2016 |
Added some usefull tools: LogParser Account creator GMSHOP/prof manager/ Buffer Simple free npcdata Rater 09.02.2016 * Offline shop refactoring, .offline command fixed 08.02.2016 * Deadlock fix 07.02.2016 * L2NPC rebuild 04.02.2016 OfflineTrade.ini ; Specify how often (in seconds) the desired item will be consumed. CREDITUSEINTERVAL=60 28.01.2016 SpecialAreas.txt // dispel_skills : You should use this as : dispel_skills,1000,1001,1002,1003... so when the character is 'inside' this area, // all specified buffs/debuffs will be dispelled. // blocked_ench_skills : You should use this as : blocked_ench_skills,1000,1001,1002,1003... so when the character is 'inside' this area, // he will not be able to use these enchanted skills (skill level >= 100). // block_all_ench_skills : block all enchant skills |
27-01-2016 |
11.01.15 new option in GeneralSettings.ini [GAMEPLAY] ITEM_SKILL_BY_TRIGER_SKILL_ONLY_MAGIC=false 12.01.16 * Fixed some memory management errors which brought problems under high load. * Fixed old C4-PTS issue with pole weapons, NPC all the time hit only for 1 target. Now it will hit multiple targets, as it should 13.01.16 Fixed error with hairall/hair slots 17.01.16 Fixed error with Mystic Immunity, now it don't block Raid Curse anymore l2server.ini changes - increased IOBufferPool, enabled chat logs by default |
20-01-2016 | - Deleted wrong Frintezza package, fixed small issue in npcpos.txt(frintezza->frintessa), deleted wrong areas from SpecialAreas.txt |
19-01-2016 | - restriction for GateChant and summon friend using near Rune Castle to avoid exploits |
19-01-2016 | - Fixed Frintessa |
23-12-2015 | - Buy Dyes bypass fix |
23-12-2015 | - remove auto giving Acumen skills on olimpiad for mage classes |
22-12-2015 |
2015.12.13 * fix: Some strange over-stat exploit 2015.12.07 * fix: "Now SA skills can be activated with physic and magic skills, triggers are disabled by default." 2015.12.02 * fix: users now cant use private manufactures in zones where is dissabled buy/sell. NEW SETTINGS PARAMETERS: GeneralSettings.ini [GAMEPLAY] ; if magic_skill_level < target_level calculate chance penalty I_DEATH2_LEVEL_PENALTY = true ; if set to true, effect can be landed on bosses and zzoldagu I_DEATH2_AFFECT_BOSS = false ; Allows using SA active skills via trigger skills ALLOW_ITEM_SKILL_BY_TRIGER_SKILL=false [ITEMS] ; Allow players drop items once upon death from mobs, regardless of PK & Karma values ON_DIE_DROP_ITEMS_WHEN_KILLED_BY_NPC=false ; Specify the maximum number of items, that can be dropped by player upon death ON_DIE_DROP_ITEMS_MAX_NUMBER=5 ; Specify the maximum probability of items drop upon death ON_DIE_DROP_ITEMS_MAX_PROBABILITY=3 [PLAYERCOMMANDS] ; Allow .bindhwid command (bind HWID to account. valid for SmartGuard only) BINDHWID=false [DYNAMICRATES] ; Diable personal rates for seal stones, that drops from mobs DISABLE_PERSONAL_RATES_FOR_SEALSTONES=false [MISC] ; Expand inventory slots number. Limit is 200 slots. INVENTORY_MAX_SLOT=200 [WAREHOUSE] ; allow or block deposit shadow items (by type) into private(user) wharehouse DEPOSIT_USER_WH_SHADOW_WEAPON=true DEPOSIT_USER_WH_SHADOW_ARMOR=true DEPOSIT_USER_WH_SHADOW_ACCESSARY=true OlympiadExtras.ini [OLYMPIADEXTRAS] ; Allow to kick users, that trying to register from invalid state (eg observer mode) KICK_USER_ON_INVALID_STATE=true PvpSystem.ini ; Distribution system ; Here you can manage the PVP/PK reward drop - to player only, or to whole party ; 1 - player; 2 - party randomly DISTRIBUTE_PK_ITEMS=1 DISTRIBUTE_PVP_ITEMS=1 EnchantSystem.ini ; Extension for enchant fail management. ; -1 = default settings, -2 = failed enchant save the enchant level, >=0 = level on which enchant will be reverted during fail. ON_FAIL_ENCHANT = -1 ON_FAIL_BLESS_ENCHANT = -1 ; Here you can insert the enchant scroll item id's which safe item enchant level on enchant fail ; Note 1 : Format for items is : item_id_1;item_id_2;item_id_3... ON_FAIL_ENCHANT_SAFE_SCROLLS = ; Here you can insert the enchant blessed scroll item id's which safe item enchant level on blessed enchant fail ; Note 1 : Format for items is : item_id_1;item_id_2;item_id_3... ON_FAIL_BLESS_ENCHANT_SAFE_SCROLLS = |
19-12-2015 |
- Fixed multiple bugs in fishing - Fixed consumption of experience for pets. - Blocked clan skills at the Olympics |
16-12-2015 | Disabling default herb drop from GeneralSettings.ini, correct herb drop are inside of npcdata |
04-12-2015 | eventdata.ini default settings |
30-11-2015 |
- Some fix on primeval island: fix Arachnoid's Fruit - Some fix on primeval island: fix Elrokian Trap ( class tyrannosaurus ) |
27-11-2015 |
- Remake quest Coin of Magic ( classes: blacksmith_duning bloody_ghost byfoot byfoot_sigel collob dark_guard doom_archer doom_knight doom_servant h_malruk_succubus_turen hagger harit_lizardm_matriarch harit_lizardman_shaman hatar_hanishee head_blacksmith_ferris headless_knight headless_knight_hold hungry_corpse lakin magister_page malruk_succubus_turen nihil_invader oel_mahum oel_mahum_warrior oel_mahum_witch_doctor pano punishment_of_undead rapin researcher_lorain royal_cave_servant royal_cave_servant_hold shackle shackle_hold stan tarlk_bugbear_boss timak_orc timak_orc_archer timak_orc_shaman timak_orc_soldier union_president_bernard vanor_silenos_shaman warehouse_keeper_sorint ) |
16-11-2015 |
New cached admin port packets: addBan2($hwid_hdd,$hwid_mac,$hwid_cpu,$account,$action,$time,$delay,$comment) removeBan2($hwid_hdd,$hwid_mac,$hwid_cpu,$account) New SmartGuard.ini parameters: ; Backup HwidAccesslist.xml on any file changes BackupAccessList = true ; Backup bans.xml on any file changes BackupBanList = true Fix: the message "PostQueuedCompletionStatus failed" appears in some circumstances |
15-11-2015 |
* fix server crash * fix private store visual bug and weight limit during private store buy * fix for blocking private stores in restricted areas |
06-11-2015 |
2015.11.05 *fix Monsters in closed areas in some circumstances lost their Desire and stop attack(old bug since c4OFF) (ru) Исправлена ошибка с зависанием мобов в случайных условиях в катакомбах, старый баг еще с с4 ядра тянущийся. 2015.11.04 *fix Now player became flagged when his summon hits summon from other player. (ru) Исправлена ошибка с тем, что если саммоном атаковать саммона другого игрока - то не флагаешься. 2015.11.02 *fix Existed bug with private store restrictions, if player started private store in right place, run in blocked space and then press "start shop" - was possible to start it. (ru) Исправлена ошибка с обходом запрета на трейд. Раньше можно было инициировать продажу в разрешенном месте, забежать в запрещенное, и в процессе движения - сесть на продажу. 2015.11.01 *fix GateChant - remove any distance check, like it should be. (ru) Исправлена работа GateChant, убрана проверка на расстояние между игроками 2015.10.11 - New cached admin-packets for SmartGuard: ban & un-ban by HWID parts addBan2($hwid_hdd,$hwid_mac,$hwid_cpu,$account,$action,$time,$delay,$comment); removeBan2($hwid_hdd,$hwid_mac,$hwid_cpu,$account); 2015.10.06 Fixed some bugs in AutoPickup system (ru) Исправлены некоторые баги в системе AutoPickup |
02-11-2015 | - Fixed checking difference level between minions and players. |
27-10-2015 | - Zaken Curse |
07-10-2015 |
2015.10.07 * Fix: Autopickup. Now if player have full inventory item which should be autopicked up will drop on the ground. Drop from PK players wouldn't be picked up also. * Fix: Server crashing by using wrong Cached packet format LicenseServer.ini - fixed default IP |
05-10-2015 | - Interim fix quest on washing PK-level (class: black_judge ) |
05-10-2015 | Obligatory! Install together with new dlls this SQL update |
05-10-2015 |
DLL Update 2015.10.01 * fix: server may crash in some circumstances 2015.09.23 * fix: underwear wearing bug 2015.09.22 * fix: server may crash in some circumstances * fix: AUTOPICKUP - when pet or summon kills the mob in some circumstances drop wasn't picked up 2015.09.20 * fix: Bug with reuse skills during subclass switching. Now reuse state is saved everytime 2015.09.16 * fix: Herbs now restore HP/MP and to pets/summons too * fix: Bug with SA active skills (s_bless_the_body3 skills like that should be activated only by using skills with such operate types (operate_type=A1,A2 && is_magic=1), but exist a long-played bug when it was activated also with trigger skills operate_type=T) 2015.09.05 * multi-lang: when language is not defined (user_data.country == -1), then use settings from la2-client * SpecialAreas.txt new parameter "out_item": // out_item : You should use this as : out_item,1000,x,y,z so while the character is 'inside' this area, // in case he have this item he will be automatically teleported outside this area ! 2015.09.04 * ServerMessages.txt + multi-lang support ("message_language" parameter is working now) |
01-10-2015 | DLL update |
23-09-2015 | - Check for pets, to prevent teleportation in point 0, 0 |
22-09-2015 | - Fritessa party registration fix |
20-09-2015 | - Fixed the ability to take the Necromancer subclass. master_lv3_hew class was changed |
19-09-2015 | - Fix Frintessa (the entrance to the dungeon even when the bosses dead) |
19-09-2015 | - Blocking the mass effects of skills through walls. |
15-09-2015 |
[Extender] section was truncated, as non-used and non-supported anymore. Right now is impossible to enable Gracia buff slots. Added ; Define here how much Additional buffs do you want to enable. By default 0 = standart 24 ADDITIONAL_BUFFS = 0 in [SERVER] section, you may define up to 76 additional slots |
14-09-2015 | - Fix use items "fisherman_s_potion_*" |
10-09-2015 | SmartGuard-PTS.dll sql |
10-09-2015 | SmartGuard-PTS.dll stability fix |
02-09-2015 | - Fix Frintessa Teleporter |
01-09-2015 | - 127 quest fix (Window to the Future) |
31-08-2015 | - Fixed NPC data for Frintessa |
28-08-2015 | - Fix Clan Gate. Now impossible to call players in epic zones with help of clan Gate |
28-08-2015 |
- Fixed Frintessa - Fixed some RB - Clean AI.obj - Fixed errors in MultiSell.txt |
25-08-2015 | - Fix : HelpDesk-337 Trouble 3-rd class (sub-class)). Earlier existed an old issue - if you cancel some subclass with made 3-rd profession, and in future retake it - was impossible to make the quest again |
19-08-2015 | + SmartGuard-PTS |
14-08-2015 |
- Fix fusion (field) skills [s_symbol_of_defence] = 116225 [s_symbol_of_noise] = 116481 [s_symbol_of_resistance] = 116737 [s_symbol_of_honor] = 116993 [s_symbol_of_energy] = 117249 [s_symbol_of_sniper] = 117505 [s_symbol_of_assassin] = 117761 |
13-08-2015 | * new effect p_stat_up (format: p_stat_up;{physical_attr};value example: p_stat_up;{con};2) |
10-08-2015 | - Removing the quest for the profession when canceling a sub-class. |
07-08-2015 | - Fix 2010-01-01-Lin2WorldBase.sql: lin_CreateChar |
07-08-2015 |
Updating dlls. Missed changelogs for previous updates: 2015.06.15 * fix: all system messages for cursed weapons 2015.07.01 * new: added SmartGuard v2.0 support. From 1 July dlls SmartGuard 1.0 will not be supported anymore, who still have old versions - get update from Akumu 2015.08.03 * fix: WordFilter ignore spaces in messages now new: 2015.08.05 * new: Enable/disable SmartGuard "on the fly" (just reload SmartGuard configuration without server restart). Working only without online for test purposes |
06-08-2015 | Frintessa Fix and update kit |
04-08-2015 | - Fixed issue with writing in Friend chat through packet hack, even if you are not in friend list |
17-07-2015 | - Frintessa Update Kit (in file ai.txt list of deleted classes) |
17-07-2015 |
- AI.obj : Removed unnecessary insertion FF FE - Remaked Frintessa |
15-07-2015 |
- Initial geodata commit. Also uploaded fix for bad geodata on oly 16_11_conv.dat 17_10_conv.dat 17_11_conv.dat 19_17_conv.dat - Renewed DLLS. Now Cursed Weapon owners will not loose drop during death. Added Smart Guard 2.0 support, removed Smart Guard 1.0 support. Fixed Crash which appears during mounting striders - Added Infinit Soulshots and arrows config in GeneralSettings.ini, disabled by default |
09-07-2015 |
- Fixed crash during mounting on Strider - Fixed drop from Cursed Weapon user |
09-07-2015 | Removing unused script |
16-06-2015 | * Fixed getting exp by pets |
15-06-2015 |
Uploading current actual dlls * Fix: Now pets gets restore from HP/MP herbs |
15-06-2015 |
- Fixed teleport coordinates for Frintezza teleporter - Removed unused SQL/script files - Fixed Mass Gloom target option - Added drop to npcs 22099-22104 - Npcdata_herb was renamed in npcdata, npcdata in npcdata_without_herbs.txt - Returned deleted MultiSell with SA crystals - Added necessary SQL updates |
08-06-2015 | Created folder 'Interlude'. |