Seed Rate

Тема в разделе "Help", создана пользователем Magovit, 28 дек 2010.

  1. Magovit

    Magovit AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Hy fine!!
    i'm tring to change the rate itens collected using seed :) Some one can tell where is this place. Little bit hard to discover it :/

  2. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

  3. Magovit

    Magovit AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Manordata.tat is the rater for exchanges in manor. The doubt is about change the rate of the mob.

    obs: I'm a FidoW fan :)
    Последнее редактирование: 29 дек 2010
  4. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    That i think is in AI, not sure, never look at that.
  5. hoaz

    hoaz AdvExt64 Team

    as far as i remember amount of crop depends on mob hp only
  6. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    The only thing i can say for sure is crop rates is affected by l2server.ini settings, not sure witch one however, i just know in the past i was using all rates by l2server.ini and crop was incremented too, after that i did my own npcdata/AI rates and the crop start giving at x1 again.