Summon Queen of Cat Problem

Тема в разделе "Help", создана пользователем Max, 31 янв 2011.

  1. Max

    Max AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Hi i got a problem whit the skill Summon Queen of Cat
    These Skill its from the Warlock and you learn the max lvl of these skill (lvl 10) at lvl 74.

    OK im 76 whit these skill learn y summon the cat and use the buff Blessing of Queen or Gift of Queen and give these buff but lvl 3 and must be lvl 13.

    If anyone can help.

  2. Max

    Max AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    bump ............
  3. loest

    loest New Member

    have you ever played l2?

    you can only have Gift of Queen lvl 13, when you cat is enchanted, other way it will be lvl 3