How to setup a test server

Тема в разделе "Expert Services (3rd part paid services)", создана пользователем goncafa, 7 янв 2013.

  1. goncafa

    goncafa AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)


    Im interesting on L2OFF files.

    I want buy a licence to my live server, but i need to know if you can setup a test server with the same licence.

    I need to add some customs NPCs and many other services that i need to test before put it on live server.

    GF ~ HF licence cober a test server too?

    Best Regards
  2. goncafa

    goncafa AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    im sorry, bad forum section, please delete this posts.