bosses canceling

Тема в разделе "Help", создана пользователем zaum, 19 дек 2011.

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  1. zaum

    zaum New Member

    The bosses are giving my server cancel in whom attacks them, it seems that the more we have the faster it's party cancel, already removed all the skills test for a boss and the same keeps happening.
    what can be?
  2. zaum

    zaum New Member

    fix the problem after much headache
    ai.obj in all bosses "raid_boss_type4" debuff has
    I looked for "raid_boss_type4" and found the class and remove debuffs
    that it is an example for other members with the same problem I had and did not have support anywhere.
  3. Senophoe

    Senophoe New Member

  4. zaum

    zaum New Member

    I bought this pack with this problem and the seller not got nobody posted here helped me, think carefully before buying to not make the same mistake I did. unfortunately was not what i thought it would follow and being harmed by this bug
  5. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    Have you noticed you have 'no client' flag in your nickname at this forum ? It means you are not an official client of AdvExt64... so it means you are using some kind of cracked software ?

    Do not say you don't have support in case you are NOT an client of us.

    And if you are, you have channels to contact us, with your real identity and we helping you in these questions, since you didn`t, im sorry, but you bought something from anyone else except us.
  6. zaum

    zaum New Member

    i buy from Sauron, and pay for this pack, my pack dont is official?
    of anthares host brazil
    Последнее редактирование: 27 дек 2011
  7. MisaAmane

    MisaAmane AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Maybe he sold you the ND pack not advext one.
  8. zaum

    zaum New Member

    came complete with the buffer and extend the configs, the Sauron's hosting Anthares asked for me to talk to Fred, he would know.
  9. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    You are using a license that Sauron bought from me, so if you want support it has to be through sauron (since he is the owner of license and not you).

    Você está usando uma licença comprada pelo sauron, portanto a licença pertence a ele e somente ele poderá obter qualquer tipo de suporte da nossa parte, ou então caso ele transfira a liceça para seu nome, também sem problemas...
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