Nurse ants respawn

Discussion in 'Help' started by BisonhuL, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. BisonhuL

    BisonhuL New Member

    I'm having a problem with ants respawn of nurses.
    When someone will try to kill the AQ and kills a nurse ant, it spawns very fast I tried to modify the npcpos.txt where the only line where the name comes from nurses is that ants:

    Privates = [nurse_ant: nurse_ant: 2:10 sec ; nurse_ant: nurse_ant: 2:10 sec; nurse_ant: nurse_ant: 2:10 sec; royal_guard_ant: royal_guard_ant: 2:6 min; royal_guard_ant: royal_guard_ant: 2:6 min; royal_guard_ant: royal_guard_ant: 2:6 min; royal_guard_ant: royal_guard_ant: 2:6 min]

    and I've tried to modify the values 2:10, and it did not work does anyone know how to increase the time respawn them?
  2. loest

    loest New Member

    try this
    Privates=[nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:20sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:20sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:20sec;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min]	npc_end
    but remember, this can only work when queen ant spawns at npcpos, if you summon it it wont be valid
  3. BisonhuL

    BisonhuL New Member

    but the problem is the QA spawns by npcpos, am I not summon it
    I'll try that code you gave me and say if it worked
  4. BisonhuL

    BisonhuL New Member

    I tried with this code that you gave, and the problem continue
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  5. loest

    loest New Member

    well im gonna try mine and check if that is happening too, i let you know later
  6. hoaz

    hoaz AdvExt64 Team

    check EventHandler PARTY_DIED(private)
    is respawns all minions

    upd: this is a ai_boss01_queen_ant AI class
  7. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Check also:

    class 1 ai_boss01_queen_ant : default_npc
    	string Privates "nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:1:20sec;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:1:20sec;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:1:20sec;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:1:20sec"
    But i'm sure npcpos parameters overwrite this ones so.... will be enought changing npcpos, but if you change this too you can summon it yourself to try it.
  8. loest

    loest New Member

    im not sure that npcpos overwrite it, because well it isn't "ai_parameters={}" it is just Privates, maybe that is why.
    npc_begin	[queen_ant]	pos={-21610;181594;-5734;0}	total=1	respawn=6hour	respawn_rand=2hour	dbname=[queen_ant]	dbsaving={death_time;parameters;pos}	Privates=[nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min]	npc_end
    maybe doing it this way:
    npc_begin	[queen_ant]	pos={-21610;181594;-5734;0}	total=1	respawn=6hour	respawn_rand=2hour	dbname=[queen_ant]	dbsaving={death_time;parameters;pos}	ai_parameters={[Privates]=[nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min]}	npc_end
    nope it can't read it,
    but it is weird tho, because look at the royalguards, at ai.obj they have 20s but when you set them to 6min at npcpos it works, but the nurse doesn't

    and even after change it at ai.obj it still the same respawn time 10s :(

    last edit i guess :)
    found the reason
    EventHandler PARTY_DIED(private)
    		if( private != )
    			if( private.npc_class_id == 1029003 )
    				myself::CreateOnePrivate(private.npc_class_id,,private.weight_point,( 280 + gg::Rand(40) ));
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  9. loest

    loest New Member

    here it is
    with this one you will be able to set the respawn via npcdata or npcpos

    npc_begin	[queen_ant]	pos={-21610;181594;-5734;0}	total=1	respawn=6hour	respawn_rand=3hour	dbname=[queen_ant]	dbsaving={death_time;parameters;pos}	ai_parameters={[nurse_respawn]=30}	Privates=[nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:20sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:20sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:20sec;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min]	npc_end

    lol after look into every possible way and have it done after some npcrestarts, i read your post, damn
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  10. BisonhuL

    BisonhuL New Member

    As my server is online and playing with players I only able to test possible solutions later
    Thank you from now on, when I test I say if it worked or not some
  11. Kiba

    Kiba New Member

    no bug noob

    AQ nurse have fast respawn :)
  12. BisonhuL

    BisonhuL New Member

    nurse ant have a fast respawn but not so fast to the point of being unable to kill her with a +50 weapon

    I tried the two codes at first nothing happened and the second party of all the ant queen is gone it alone that appeared in the nest
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  13. loest

    loest New Member

    if you can't make it work, which you should be, you can just reduce the ammount of heal from the skill that ant_nurse use, or the cast speed of them that should make queen_ant easier as well
  14. BisonhuL

    BisonhuL New Member

    seems a viable option will change the skill to do this thanks for the help