Lineage 2 C4 server Looking for Testers

Тема в разделе "Private Servers / Ваши сервера", создана пользователем demo, 20 ноя 2010.

  1. demo

    demo New Member


    Since there is a need for a descent retail like C4 server we started one, descent files etc... they have been checked multiple times since they have been files from different servers. Still we'd like some testers...

    Who is in the DEV team

    Entrike; Ran; Reqium, Shadow,Glory,Enslaved
    Cold; Ran; Glory, Enslaved
    and some visual designers for the Website etc etc etc

    They have been tested on Requim and L2Shadow where they had over 4000 players at some runtime, we expect the same again here but better ofc!

    What do we need?
    People who test rates, quests,... castle sieges(with us)
    Speaking English or Dutch is a MUST

    What do we have to offer?
    Some extra's when the server goes live.

    NOTE: We are running on a slow server atm, which can cause lagg for testers. When we go live there will be a different monster machine to keep track of the players.

    Contact me with a pm here,

