[L2OFF] BloodBros Interlude x25 - Custom

Тема в разделе "Private Servers / Ваши сервера", создана пользователем vandalheart, 30 дек 2014.

  1. vandalheart

    vandalheart AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Server information:

    Presenting to you, the Mid Rates -x25- Custom Interlude server


    You can read "About Us" here, there is everything you need to know: http://www.bloodbros.net/?page_id=9

    Main Information

    Server will start on the 2nd day of New Year on Friday, 2nd of January, 19:00(+2GMT)

    Main Information:
    There is a GM Shop up to S grade(Low A).
    There is a Buffer. (Only 1st and 2nd class buffs)
    There are Custom features, items.
    There is NO Corruption.
    1st Class Change - free via Service NPC.
    2nd Class Change Quest is available for Adena or Donate Coins.

    Game Rates:
    * XP/SP/Adena/Drop/Spoil (Chance): x25 x10 x10 x10
    * Materials amount rate: x2
    * Manor Drop: x5

    Quest Rates:
    * XP/SP Reward: x5 x5
    * Item/Adena Reward: x1 x5
    * Seven Signs XP/SP Reward: x5 x5
    * Quest Item Drop Rate: x1
    * Quest Materials rewards: x2

    Retail enchants, safe +3 / +4 one-piece armor, max +20.

    Retail Features:
    * Shadow Weapons.
    * Max Level 80.
    * Clan System / Academy.
    * Cursed Weapons.
    * +6 Set Effects.
    * Augmentation System.
    * New Skill Effects.
    * Expanded Buff Slots (Divine Inspiration Skill Effect) 24 Slots + 6 Debuff Slots.
    * Herb System.
    * Skill Enchant System up to Level 80.
    * All New Pets.
    * Skills / Clan Skills.
    * Castles support deco like Clan Halls.
    * Fully Working Duel System.
    * New Interlude Quest Slots.
    * Death Penalty.
    * Offline Shops.
    * Olympiad Extras.
    * Jail System.

    Gameplay Security:
    * Anti-Bot System - NemoProtect
    * Anti-Dupe Protections.
    * Anti-Exploit Protections.
    * Anti-DDOS System [Protects Against Massive Socket Flooding].

    Custom Addons:
    * Premium acc (Rates Multiply):
    * Services NPC (Prof change, etc)
    * GMShop (Low A items/Hats/etc)
    * Buffer (1st and 2nd class buff)
    * Custom PvP System
    * Custom Legendary Items craft
    * Custom Raids with unique gameplay (in progress)
    * Custom items enchanting (in progress)

    Automated Events:
    * TvT
    * Standard Retail events every few months.

    FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/BloodBros.lt
    Website: http://www.bloodbros.net
    CameraMan: http://twitch.tv/bloodbroslt
    Event in FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/761015223984305/