Freya scripts (official)

Тема в разделе "Expert Services (3rd part paid services)", создана пользователем Fyyre, 6 фев 2011.

  1. Neurodrive

    Neurodrive New Member

    Btw, don't bother trying to find binaries or databse or even geo. ONLY scripts were leaked, the full leak does not exist, and if you want binaries for at least ct2.3 ask rpg, they sell them for only 50k $$ and they only accept cash in a real life meeting so go ahead xD.
  2. Thug

    Thug New Member

    Does anybody know how these scripts were leaked?
  3. Neurodrive

    Neurodrive New Member

    Yeah, some russian kid got them with Updater, and then, some people unscrammbled them.
  4. Thug

    Thug New Member

    Sounds like bullsh*t...

    Is there a probability that these scripts are fake?

    Look pc_parameter.txt

    Exactly the same as in COEP and other extenders. How could our extender developers calculate parameters so accurately? However, not all parameters coincide.

    Or look at this
    There is a big karma increase on lvl 71, aproximately 11% instead of stable 1%. Perhaps this is some innovation, but I don't remeber such udates.

    Else, can't get another thing. Looks like there are two parameters in itemdata that stand for shadow item duration - 'duration' and 'durability'. They have the same values, I wonder why...
    Последнее редактирование: 20 фев 2011
  5. Nish

    Nish AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    lol its funny cause the scripts i used for COEP are from nextdev that i converted.... when looking at them it looks like nextdev had this freya leak for a very long time since alot of stuff is exactly the same

    but that is the story that is around, that it was in the retail updater for a few hours..... who knows if its true
  6. Tobo

    Tobo New Member

    Well these freya scripts are from PTS and not live and yes they are real.
  7. lightmare

    lightmare New Member

    In rogue_hp_table, there's a pattern in values since level 22, the difference between levels steadily grows by 0.25 each level, so the values could possibly be predicted:

    pc_karma_increase_table is a bit more complicated.

    In C4, values above level 25 usually increase by 1-3% each level. But notice that there are abrupt increases at levels 21 (36.2%), 31 (24.7%), 41 (19%) , 51 (15.6%) and 61 (13.4%). Above level 62, the second-order multiplier grows by approximately +0.00001 each level.

    COEP has values up to level 80 identical to C4 (green). Level 81 value seems to copy the previous difference 0.367304 (from C4 diff between 79 and 80). Levels 82-85 increase the difference by 0.0122586 each step (again a value copied from C4).

    COEP HB:
    I wouldn't do it this way, but it still seems somehow predicted. The Freya values above level 70 look very different. There is an additional abrupt increase at level 71, but then it seems to follow the C4 scheme, with approx. +0.00001 increase in second-level multiplier.

  8. Falcon

    Falcon AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    I have this same system that update client as off server.
    One time i'm copy my scripts on FTP in updater folder and system automaticky generate update and... maybe some one download it to :D